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CWA: Family-Friendly Victories in 2005
American Families Enjoy Several Advances

WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) gives the glory to God for the many accomplishments we have seen unfold in 2005. God has worked mightily in our nation over the past year, and we would like to present a list of memorable achievements.

Dr. Janice Crouse, Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, said, "These achievements would not have been possible without the grassroots effort of thousands of committed members of Concerned Women for America, and the very professional and dedicated staff in our national headquarters and volunteers in our state offices. We have strong, vibrant prayer chapters and statewide efforts around the nation; God is using CWA women in very specific ways to mend the family and strengthen America."

Accomplishments in 2005:

* Christmas returned to many stores and advertisements.
* U.N. declaration to ban human cloning passed in March.
* Many people fought to save Terri Schiavo's life.
* Values (pro-life) voters are now feared (though not yet respected) by liberal politicians.
* Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) proponents thwarted: They lack enough votes to override a veto of bill to spend more tax  dollars for ESC research.
* The morning-after pill (Plan B) was kept from becoming available over-the-counter drug.
* A measure to heighten consequences for those who violate indecency regulations passed in the House.
* John Roberts was confirmed as Chief Justice.
* Several key states passed constitutional amendments to protect marriage, increasing the total number to 19 states.
* Triple X Internet porn domains were defeated -- lost in cyberspace.
* Congress passed the Cord Blood Bill providing an effective alternative to embryonic stem-cell research.
* The House passed the End Demand Act to fight prostitution, the driving force for sex trafficking.
* Rev. Ake Green was acquitted of a "hate crime" in Sweden.
* Congress blocked tax breaks for casinos.
* Cable choice is closer to becoming a reality for the American people.
* We exposed the dangers to women of RU486, the abortion drug.
* The healthy marriage initiative passed the Senate, which would provide resources to strengthen marriage.
* The Snowflake press conference took place at the White House, revealing beautiful children born after fertilization of frozen embryos.
* Kansas State Board of Education approved revived science standards that allow the teaching of criticisms of evolution. * CWA State Directors around the country helped with Hurricane Katrina Relief.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.


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