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You Go Senator Lieberman!


By Carrie K. Hutchens

In an article entitled, Democrats Abandon Lieberman, Back Lamont, by Associated Press Writer STEPHANIE REITZ (August 09, 2006) http://my.earthlink.net/article/top?guid=20060809/44d95dc0_3ca6_1552620060809443057948 , Senator Lieberman made a statement that registered right up there as the quote of the day as far as I am concerned. The article stated, "Lieberman said he was not bothered by losing the support of his Democratic colleagues, noting he lost the primary even with their backing. 'In the end, the people make up their own minds, and this is going to be a people's campaign,' he said." What a concept!

I've never liked politics in any form and my dislike of it only gets worse as the years go by. Each time I say things can't get any worse, someone goes right out there and proves me wrong. Maybe the past few years, months, weeks, days and hours have shown other unsuspecting souls that it is time we best open our eyes, get informed and take back our government from the out-of-control politicians who seem to be hell-bent on making us slaves to their perception of how the world and our lives should be run. The same politicians that seem to think the voters are of less intelligence and therefore not possibly having a viewpoint worth consideration.

The liberals will be thinking that I am talking about the conservatives and the conservatives will be thinking I am talking about the liberals. The truth of the matter is that I am talking about any and every politician that forgets who they are suppose to be representing. I don't happen to care what label they think they fall under.

There are some liberals that push for underage teenagers to be able to get abortions without the knowledge and consent of their parents, while then screaming about how the government shouldn't be involved in private family matters and decisions when it comes to something such as the Terri Schiavo case. What is wrong with this picture?

On the one hand, these liberal-types are fighting for laws that force their beliefs on families, while condemning any government safeguards if it doesn't go along with their beliefs. So actually, the liberals are getting into peoples private matters just as much, if not more than their counterparts. Think I am wrong? I wish I were.

Politics is a game. It's a game that we, the citizens, are often excluded from. We don't always get to see what is happening and how it is playing out, until it is too late. Why is that? Might it be because many of the politicians think we are not capable of understanding and need to have decisions made for us?

Campaigns are suppose to be opportunities for the candidate to provide the voter with his position on issues and tell why he is the best person for the office being sought. It is suppose to be an opportunity for the voter to gain information so as to make an informed decision. What does any of this matter if it is all a game and too often little of it is real? What does it matter when a campaign involves taking matters and comments out of context to present a picture that is totally untrue? What does it matter if what really counts is the acting skills, money and party backing for the most part?

I think we need a truth in advertising law that specifically relates to campaigns.

To prove that something has gone all wrong in the process that was suppose to be good for the people and our country as a whole, comments have been made that Lieberman lost because he stood up for the "Republican President". That he was too close to the president. That it was a message to the president. Guess it was a message to other Democrats, too. Don't stand with the other side on any issue (no matter how right) or we will get someone in your place that won't. Do it our way or else. Well that is certainly how it came across to me.

Who is deciding who should be voted into office? The politicians or the people?

Higher up Democrats are supposedly saying that Lieberman shouldn't run Independent. That he should back the party. Ironically, the polls are reported as suggesting the people feel otherwise. Whose opinion matters most? Maybe I should rephrase that. Whose opinion should matter the most?

I'm not from Connecticut. I know little about Senator Lieberman and even less about how well he represents the wishes of the people he has been elected to represent. However, what I do know is that the people of Connecticut should decide whether they wish him to run Independent -- not higher up Democrats from other states that are trying to stack congress their way, for their purpose.

Like I said, I hate politics. I think the games are wrong.

A people's campaign? What a concept! Maybe we should have more of them.

Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


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