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The Benefit of Not Living in Florida in 2006

Those who enter do not always live to go back home

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I remember back in the days when a majority of people couldn't wait to retire to Florida. It was proof of achievement and membership in the elite club. It was a badge of success. Now, I would think, it is a badge of courage. More courage than I have. I'd feel safer walking in on an armed robbery in progress than to get sick or be disabled in Florida. Believe me, there is no smile on my face. I'm quite serious.

People can think that what happens in Florida is their business and none of anyone else's. I don't agree. I especially don't agree when Florida's example is held up as the ideal for all to worship in other parts of the country. Now, that is a scary thought. A scary thought because the madness hasn't been contained down there in the state that has a great many that prides self in fighting off the federal government and winning in it's bid to kill off Terri Schiavo -- courtesy the court order of Judge George Greer.

Charlie Crist didn't act as a true Attorney General in behalf of Terri Schiavo (one of the most vulnerable citizens of his state). He didn't do what was right and call for a full fledged investigation into the case. Instead, he fought to stay out of the matter. Fought to stay in the background. Fought not to fight to help her, and therefore, made it seem that she was guilty of life and due the death penalty set-forth by ole Judge Greer.

Crist also (by his inaction) made it seem as though Michael was doing all things properly. People -- too many of them -- assumed that if Michael was in any fashion acting inappropriately and/or not acting in the best of interest of Terri Schiavo that Crist would have instigated an investigation and sought to have him charged. So, by failure to investigate... by failure to take action... Crist gave many people the impression that all was well in the "Land of Schiavo", while everyone else was suffering from right-wing delusions.

I'm certainly not impressed with Charlie Crist. Neither am I impressed with Jim Davis, whom Michael has so openly embraced with his support. Jim Davis, who seems to think the government shouldn't get involved in family matters and definitely not Michael's. Why was everyone so very scared to investigate the Terri Schiavo situation after it was picked up as the "Right to be Murdered" case? Oh, excuse me... I meant the "Right to Die" case.

Okay, so no I didn't. I really do see the Terri Schiavo case as the "Right to be Murdered" test case. How can it be seen otherwise?

When a ventilator is disconnected and a person begins to breathe on his/her own, NO ONE is allowed to put a pillow over their face and deny them air.

Tell me then...

Why was a feeding tube removed, and Terri Schiavo was denied food and water as would naturally have been given had it not been for the direct court order of Judge George Greer on behalf of Michael Schiavo that she was not to be given anything by mouth? I mean, if she was going to absolutely die anyway -- the "moral" reason not to take a chance on her choking to death within moments as compared to the results of 13 days of being starved and dehydrated are explained how?

I don't envy the people of Florida in the election before them.

I could not/would not vote for either Crist or Davis.

But then... I could not and would not move to Florida either. Takes more courage than I have. Rather walk into an armed robbery in progress. And personally, I think there should be a sign at the border that says, "Enter At Your Own Risk... Those Who Enter Do Not Always Live to Go Back Home"!



Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.

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