"We have been in touch with the Bishop of the Austin Diocese--Bishop Aymond--who you would THINK would stick up for the life of this little child, but who instead supports killing little Emilio Gonzales. I guess if you're on Medicaid, your life just isn't as worthwhile as it would be if you had good insurance. Bishop Aymond's number is: 512-476-4888. Please call him and if you can't get him on the phone, leave a message, letting him know how you feel about the Catholic Church's approval [see note below] of the murder of this small child. Keep in mind: This is a CATHOLIC-owned hospital! The head of the Catholic Conference of Bishops is Andrew Rivas. His phone number is: 512-339-9882; please call him and let him know how you feel about this issue. "
(Read entire article: Toddler Forced Off Life Support - Help Needed, March 18, 2007 )
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Monday, March 19, 2007
No More Thought Than Opening a Can of Beans
The deadline is fast approaching with little Emilio Gonzales scheduled to be snuffed out by the Brackenridge Children's Hospital in Austin, Texas. Oh, the administration, medical staff and so-called ethic committee that is involved will all no doubt cry that they are acting under the law -- the "futile care law". Whatever they are acting under, the fact still remains that they are offing a baby. Offing him rather than fighting to give him a fighting chance. And this is what medicine has come to? How pathetic.
Melanie Childlers, one of Andrea Clark's sisters, wrote:
I would say that I am really surprised at Bishop Aymond's reaction, but after the Terri Schiavo case, I'm not surprised so easily. Life just doesn't seem to be treasured as it once was. Rather than priceless, it comes with a price tag that is measured by how much we are getting in the way of those who want us to have the "Right to Die", even if dying wasn't in our immediate plans. Oh well! Looks to me like we skipped over the "Right to Die" phase and just jumped right into the "Obligation to Die" one.
Emilio Gonzales might not live even if treated aggressively by doctors that care enough to fight, but he should have that fighting chance. His mother should have that fighting chance. She shouldn't be left with the loss of her child and the feeling that she failed him because she couldn't stop them from pulling the plug. She should at least be left with the knowledge that she did everything she could to protect the child she loved and it was just time for God to call him home. God making the decision, not some anonymous so-called ethic committee.
Life is a gift and should be treated as such. The day that thought is lost is the day that we become nothing more than zombies feeding upon the flesh of others with no more thought than opening a can of beans.
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