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Monday, May 14, 2007

Health Care: How to Make it Worse

Sibby has an insightful post on the latest from the Zaniya Project as reported by the Argus Leader. It specifically looks at Indian health care.

What I find interesting is how these bureaucrats and politicians can be standing right in the room with the elephant, yet fail to see that it's even there.

Native Americans already have government (free) health care. Yet, according to this article, their health is worse than the general population. I won't get into the possible reasons why right now, though you might guess, but stop and consider that a moment.

Here we have a segment of people with access to "free" health care. Yet their health is no better for it. And the Native American health care facilities I've seen...well, some of those Walter Reed Army Hospital images come to mind, but on a much larger scale.

So more of this "free" government health care is what socialists want to force on us?

No thanks.


Haggs said...

This Zanya Project was started by Republicans, wasn't it?

Bob Ellis said...

I believe you're right, Haggs. Started primarily by "Republicans" who, based on their voting records, have apparently forgotten what it means to be a Republican. The GOP ain't what it used to be.

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