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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Memorial Day: Opportunity for Cowardice and Class Envy

Democrats never miss a chance to not only seek the emasculation of their own country, but to dirty the brave sacrifices of America's military servicemen with their own cowardice.

From NewsMax:

Presidential hopeful John Edwards said Monday that Americans should speak out against the war in Iraq this Memorial Day weekend, renewing an anti-war call that has been criticized by the leader of the American Legion.

They also can't pass up an opportunity to promote and exploit class envy:
Edwards also said that all young people should serve their country, "not just poor kids who get sent to war."

The last time I checked, the U.S. military was made up of volunteers. And while there are plenty of "poor kids" in the military, there are also plenty of middle class kids and not a few wealthy ones. I once served with a guy whose father was worth several billion dollars.

Why can't Democrats every just do something good for their country instead of trying to embarrass it and divide it?


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