�Hwww.dakotavoice.com/2007/05/new-area-code-needed-for-south-dakota.htmlC:/Documents and Settings/Bob Ellis/My Documents/Websites/Dakota Voice Blog 20081230/www.dakotavoice.com/2007/05/new-area-code-needed-for-south-dakota.htmldelayedwww.dakotavoice.com/\sck.s16x�\I�����������������������OOKtext/htmlUTF-8gzip (�O����J}/yWed, 31 Dec 2008 22:49:25 GMT"a5db0704-bddd-435c-94b8-20d6f86f7df6"uMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, en, *�\I���������jO Dakota Voice: New Area Code Needed for South Dakota Population Explosion

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Area Code Needed for South Dakota Population Explosion

Okay, so there's no explosion. But KELO reports we'll need a second area code before my daughter heads off to college.

A new analysis by the North American Numbering Plan Administration says South Dakota will need another area code by 2014. But Hanson says each time such a report is issued, the date is delayed. So he doesn't think it will be needed until 2015.


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