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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Creation Museum in Canada

The house of cards that is evolution is slowly starting to crumble. Now comes the Big Valley Creation Science Museum in Alberta, Canada.

From the Calgary Herald:

Owner Harry Nibourg said in a press release that the museum provides compelling evidence for creation and refutes any unguided, "natural" processes such as evolution.

He said the museum's "fossils and the flood" display, which teams a giant model of Noah's ark with museum-quality fossils, is evidence the biblical flood actually happened.

Of course, they have the same intellectual and scientific double-standard in Canada as we do here.

From University of Calgary biology professor Anthony Russell:
"I can't say it is a bad thing," he said.

"But it is not saying, 'Come in and make up your own mind.'

"It is a propaganda approach and I don't know society really needs that sort of thing."

But the "propaganda approach" for evolution theory is just fine? Of course it is.

It's the same thing we see in major museums and books across America: the theory of evolution--which no one was around to observe and of which no record exists--is presented as fact. But if you even posit the theory that an intelligent designer created the universe, and suddenly that's propaganda, superstition and mind-control. Uh huh.

Some day, just like the eugenics movement and the ice-age doom-criers, people will realize the theory of evolution is scientifically unviable and full of hot air.

Until then, we'll just have to press on amidst the grumbling of intellectuals who can't stomach a scientific challenge to their philosophy.


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