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Friday, June 01, 2007

Hard to Accept What We Can't Dismiss


By Ralph Hatcher, M.D.

Mr. Ellis' piece on the opening of the Creation Museum this week is a well-stated indictment of the pro-Darwin scientists who find themselves tangled in their "just so" stories and dismissal of the mountain of evidence that is contrary to their pet theories. Their position is becoming less and les tenable and endeavors such as the Creation Museum represent a serious, credible threat to their worldview, if not their professions. (Full Story)


Anonymous said...

You are turning a blind eye to the research that has been done on UFO's. Tell the french space agency and the ministry of defense that there is nothing to the UFO pheonomenon. If you would do a search and read the documents on the NSA's website you may see that some very smart people find it important enough to spend millions on research. This story is rediculous.

Anonymous said...

You and Mr. Hatcher are morons.

cp said...

The reason real scientists get worked up about creationism is not because it is any kind of threat... the evolutionary theory is doing just fine, thank you... In fact it's because evolutionary theory is so universally accepted... so accepted that rejection of evolutionary theory now really translates into rejection of the validity of scientific inquiry in general. If the results don't agree with your "worldview", well, the science must be wrong. This is a dangerous point of view if you think objective truth is important to solve problems that face us.

More on this, with some new research on sponges filling in evolutionary theory, and some comment on the threat of creationism to our very survival, here.

Bob Ellis said...

Nice try, Curtis, but there remain all kinds of wack jobs who believe stuff that even a Bible thumper wouldn't touch :-) but "scientists" don't worry about that. It's because these UFO theories and Gaia theories and the like are so nutty that nobody's going to buy them. However, creation does make sense within a biblical framework, and polls show that most people already believe it.

So it's not only a viable threat to the theory of evolution, but evolutionists are ALREADY in the minority, and they don't want to lose what ground they've managed to gain in a century and a half.

Creationism doesn't threaten anything...except the credibility of people who've hung their whole identity on the worldview of evolution. And all that stems from a worldview of evolution is threatened, because it's almost always at odds with a Christian worldview (i.e. socialism and humanism), and since that is the religion of the intelligentsia these days, they quake in their boots at the thought people might see that the emperor has no clothes, realizing that creation science theories are actually scientifically viable.

Hope you have a great weekend...and don't let this keep you up at night. I know you're a churchgoer, so rest in the knowledge that the Lord has everything in hand.

drewas said...

Mr. Ellis states his case well and needs little help from me, but I'd like to point out to Curtis that the phylum of sponges first appear in the Cambrian layers. The very same layer heavily populated with many species of trilobites, many of those having very sophisticated compound eyes (and, no doubt, neuro-transmitters). So the finding of genes in sponges does little to help the modern evolutionist in his quest to redeem Darwin and his minions. In fact, the one test of Darwin's theory insisted on by Charles himself, was the finding of multitudes of transitional forms. And, I'll say it...none have been found! With over four billion fossils found and classified, I think I can assert with some authority, that adding "yet" to the assertion is superfluous. Why, if Darwin were right we should be awash in transitional forms with full, complete examples being the rarity. Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism are not long for this world, and, once again Science (the honest pursuit of truth) will win the day. Praise the Lord!

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