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Monday, June 11, 2007

My Little Warrior

My daughter Karissa just earned her yellow belt in Ju-Jitsu tonight, and boy is she jazzed. She started about 5 months ago (with a month missed when we were doing a lot of traveling), and though we've only been able to go about twice a week, she eats it up and would go more if I had the time to take her.

My daughter is the yellow belt in the middle. Her instructors in the back: Sensei Jack Smith who tested her, Sensei Clay Soby, Sensei Patrick Clinch, Sensei Doug Langworthy (5th Degree black belt who owns the dojo), and Sensei Chris VanNorton.

Note: if you noticed the small American flag in the background, it's because the dojo's regular American flag is currently flying in a B-1 bomber over Afghanistan and Iraq, and will be returned to the dojo after a tour of combat duty (the father of a couple of the students flies a B-1).


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