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Monday, August 27, 2007

Gary Stocklaufer: A Definition of a Father's Love

Man Ready For Foster Kid After Weight Loss Surgery

Tiani Jones
CBS11TV (Aug 26, 2007 4:43 pm US/Central)

(CBS 11 News) DALLAS A judge said he was too overweight to be a father. But thanks to a Dallas hospital, a Missouri dad is on his way to being half the man he is now.

When Gary Stocklaufer goes back to court, he'll be a couple hundred pounds lighter, and he believes that should be enough to bring his foster son home.

"They have no excuse," said Stocklaufer. "In two and a half months, loosing 83 pounds on my own, that's pretty good; that's determination."

The determination has to do with a 4-month-old little boy nicknamed Baby Max.

With the help of gastric bypass surgery, Stocklaufer will more than likely drop another 100 pounds in the next month.

(Read the rest of the report)
I believe this says it all!


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