�Hwww.dakotavoice.com/2007/10/latest-morningstar-ad-rejection.htmlC:/Documents and Settings/Bob Ellis/My Documents/Websites/Dakota Voice Blog 20081230/www.dakotavoice.com/2007/10/latest-morningstar-ad-rejection.htmldelayedwww.dakotavoice.com/\sck.njkx��[I����������������������� &KOKtext/htmlUTF-8gzip���&K����J}/yWed, 31 Dec 2008 21:47:34 GMT"07dd69b9-02ab-466a-99de-ab2ff1b7295e"vbMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, en, *��[I���������j&K Dakota Voice: LATEST: Morningstar Ad Rejection

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

LATEST: Morningstar Ad Rejection

Last week, I posted on an article from OneNewsNow which stated Morningstar had rejected an ad from Faith Financial Planners on the basis of it's Christian content.

I provided an update on the issue last Friday which stated Morningstar says the ad was NOT rejected based on it's Christian content, but on other grounds.

I have made additional inquiries to Faith Financial Planners and OneNewsNow, but there is nothing new to report. I haven't heard from Faith Financial Planners at all, and my contact at OneNewsNow says he also has not heard from FFP, and has nothing new to report at this time.

I will provide new information as it becomes available.


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