EcoWorld has published a piece entitled "35 Inconvenient Truths" by Christopher Monckton, listing 35 critical errors in Al Gore's sci-fi classic "An Inconvenient Truth."
Those errors deal with...
#1 - Sea Level Rising Six Meters
#2 - Pacific islands "drowning"
#3 - Thermohaline circulation "stopping"
#4 - CO2 "driving temperature"
#5 - Snows of Kilimanjaro "melting"
#6 - Lake Chad "drying up"
#7 - Hurricane Katrina "man made"
#8 - Polar bear "dying"
#9 - Coral reefs "bleaching"
#10 - 100 ppmv of CO2 "melting mile-thick ice"
#11 - Hurricane Caterina "manmade"
#12 - Japanese typhoons "a new record"
#13 - Hurricanes "getting stronger"
#14 - Big storm insurances losses "increasing"
#15 - Mumbai "flooding"
#16 - Severe tornadoes "more frequent"
#17 - The sun "heats the Arctic ocean"
#18 - Arctic "warming fastest"
#19 - Greenland ice sheet "unstable"
#20 - Himalayan glacial melt waters "failing"
#21 - Peruvian glaciers "disappearing"
#22 - Mountain glaciers worldwide "disappearing"
#23 - Sahara desert "drying"
#24 - West Antarctic ice sheet "unstable"
#25 - Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves "breaking up"
#26 - Larsen B Ice Shelf "broke up because of 'global warming'"
#27 - Mosquitoes "climbing to higher altitudes"
#28 - Many tropical diseases "spread through 'global warming'"
#29 - West Nile virus in the US "spread through 'global warming'"
#30 - Carbon dioxide is "pollution"
#31 - The European heat wave of 2003 "killed 35,000"
#32 - Pied flycatchers "cannot feed their young"
#33 - Gore's bogus pictures and film footage
#34 - The Thames Barrier "closing more frequently"
#35 - "No dispute by anybody."
Don't allow yourself to be mislead by Al Gore's quest for significance.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
35 Inconvenient Truths
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