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Monday, July 30, 2007


Poll: Reading Horoscopes Sinful

July 30 /Christian Newswire/ --, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, recently asked, "Is reading a horoscope a sin?" President of ChristiaNet, Bill Cooper, stated, "Christians should avoid all forms of evil especially any forms of witchcraft."

The majority of Christians, regardless if they chose "Yes", "No" or "Unsure", believed putting one's faith in horoscopes is a sin. 61% of the 1,186 polled answered "Yes" that it is a sin. In this group's opinion, the simple act of reading a horoscope means the reader is relying upon something other than God for guidance in their life. Many Believers had comments like "Only trust in God" and "God is in control." Others in this group considered horoscopes as a form of witchcraft or idolatry.

The remaining thirty-nine percent of the participants chose either "No" or "Unsure". The comments from these two groups reflected a type of dualism on this topic. They considered reading horoscopes just entertainment provided the reader does not believe or act upon the message. They determined whether this form of entertainment is a sin based on the motive or attitude of the reader. One participant said, "It's just for fun, I don't take it seriously." While another put the burden of discernment upon the Holy Spirit by saying, "If the Holy Spirit convicts you, then you should not do it."

The Bible states in Deuteronomy that divination or consulting with enchanters or witches is an abomination to God. In the Book of Acts, Paul encountered a girl who had a spirit of divination in her. She was telling people's future for money until Paul cast out the evil spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. While many Christians felt that it's acceptable to read one's future as long as the motive is pure, the Bible clearly prohibits the act regardless if the motivation is for entertainment or real decision making purposes.

To expose different types of sinful entertainment, ChristiaNet has just released a series of Free Entertainment Tracts. Using the latest interactive ecard technology, ChristiaNet has made it simple to share these funny yet informative ecards with friends and family.

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