Recently, a group of
surgeons restored the consciousness of a man who had been in a
“minimally conscious state” for six years, unable to feed himself or
communicate. The experiment, led by Dr. Ali Rezai, director of the
Center for Neurological Restoration at the Cleveland Clinic, involved
implanting two electrodes into the brain of a trauma victim.
According to an article
in the National Catholic Register regarding these findings, Dr. Joseph
Giacino, co-leader of the study and associate director of the New Jersey
Neuroscience Institute, stated that “the breakthrough raises questions
about Schiavo,” adding that “his patient’s circumstances were different
than Schiavo’s.”
In 1991, Terri had a
similar procedure where stimulators were implanted in her brain. This
has prompted several articles where doctors insisted that Terri’s
procedure was a failure compared to Dr. Rezai’s study, implying that
Terri’s brutal death was somehow justified.
Unfortunately for Terri,
her experimental implants were done 16 years ago and therefore did not
include the most recent technology available today. In addition,
comparing the pictures of her procedure to that of the new study, one
can see that the placement of the electrodes on this patient was very
different from the area of the brain where the electrodes were placed in
Terri’s procedure, not to mention that the device (again by looking at
the pictures) used on this patient was very much different than what was
used on Terri.
Most importantly,
however, is that the doctor involved with Terri’s implantations believed
that it was working and suggested that she be moved to Shands Hospital
in Gainesville, Florida, which was better equipped to deliver the
rehabilitation that she needed. (This is documented in court records in
a statement made by Michael Schiavo in his deposition.)
Perhaps, as Dr. Rezai’s
said, his patient’s circumstances were different from Terri’s. Even so,
there is now a procedure which can restore the ability of severely brain
injured persons like Terri to speak and eat and some have begun to ask
themselves if Terri should have been given this opportunity as well.
The truth of the matter
is that Terri was a healthy woman, one who merely had a disability. She
could have lived for many years if only my family was permitted to care
for her. And it was my family that did everything we could to try and
persuade Michael Schiavo to follow the advice of countless doctors and
pursue rehabilitation for Terri but this request was never granted.
It was this reluctance to
continue to pursue treatment that caused the initial rift between
Schiavo and my parents. Tragically, in the years that followed, there
was only a concerted effort to remove Terri’s food and water, which
ultimately resulted in her horrific death by dehydration and starvation.
While it is too late for
Terri, there are tens of thousands of other people with brain injuries
that could potentially be helped. That is why we at the Terri Schindler
Schiavo Foundation are working daily to protect the rights and lives of
these persons.
We urge everyone to pay
very close attention to the treatment of people like my sister because
this is literally a life or death decision which could one day affect
you or one of your loved ones. This is particularly important, as with
each passing day there is growing promise that the brain injured can be
helped through the ever-increasing volume of new treatments and
Even as medical advances
are made, the basic question remains – how do we decide who deserves
treatment and continued care and who does not? Where do we as a society,
draw the line? The value placed on life should be based upon the
inherent dignity and humanity of every person – not dependent upon
changing technology.
Bobby Schindler
is the brother of Terri Schiavo. He and his family now work for the
Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation in St. Petersburg, Fla., an
organization dedicated to promoting the Culture of Life, embracing the
true meaning of compassion by opposing the practice of euthanasia.
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