It isn't as though we are
unfamiliar with the concept of the speeding train and the foolish driver
who believes that they can outrun that train across the tracks; only to
be crushed beyond recognition. But when you look at America, some
Americans are wondering if we are in a similar race for our very own
existence. Of course any person can point out some of the top dangers to
America, whether it's bio-terrorism, illegal immigration or nuclear war.
But the maddening reality is that we do not understand that WE are our
own worst enemies. Here are a few examples that should make us begin to
wonder if we are the largest group of lemmings to commit collective
We want to protect
ourselves from the onslaught of illegal immigrants and yet we have
created the demand for cheap labor by having cheap abortion which kills
millions of pre born Americans. Additionally, millions of Baby Boomers
have looked forward to their retirement and yet they have promoted the
aborting of millions of children who could have financially supported
the now failing social security system. To add injury to insult, many
children who did survive this abortion holocaust have been taught by
their parents that it is acceptable to get rid of pre born babies if
they are expensive and inconvenient. This widespread belief will make
the case in the future, that Mom and Dad should also be euthanized if
they are the same kind of burden to their children. In the interest of
not offending anyone, the vast majority of Pastors will not speak on the
issue of abortion from their pulpits. Yet these same Pastors will wonder
why their churches are not filled with the youthful voices of children,
who might have brought the gospel to their community.
We have clearly patted
ourselves on the back for being so tolerant of homosexuals, the
cohabitation of heterosexuals and no fault divorce; when all the while
destroying the very institution that is meant to keep our society
stable; a godly marriage. But in typical hypocrisy we will continue to
pity the broken home and the single parent family when we ourselves have
encouraged it to continue by tolerating immoral relationships. Public
schools are teaching promiscuity and homosexuality and are trying to
figure out why so many young people have STD's and HIV. Even Police
officers across the land will risk life and limb to protect children
from harm and yet the very same officers will march in gay pride parades
which encourage children to participate in the destructive lifestyle of
We are so rightfully
concerned about the environment, when the environment of our soul is so
stagnant with hedonism, pride and materialism. With this kind of
spiritual wasteland, we simply cannot offer the spring water of Christ
to those who need it. It also seems rather strange that most
environmentalists are very silent about our waterways being filled with
the waste water of chemical abortifacient drugs that are destroying the
very sexual makeup of ponds and rivers. They also seem very silent on
the environment of the womb being destroyed by abortion and multiple sex
partners. When will they actually care about pre born children as much
as they care about baby seals?
We invite people to come
to our country to become citizens and yet we fall all over ourselves to
accommodate their culture and their ways, instead of demanding that they
become real Americans. We have somehow forgotten that they have come to
our country because of the value of what we are as a nation. We should
never replace that with the very culture that people flee. To make
matters worse, we invite the people of Islam who are religiously bound
to overthrow the countries they live in, whether by law or sword to come
to our beloved country, living among us, giving sanctuary to those who
want to destroy us.
Remarkably we go all over
the world to teach countries about representative government and yet
Americans are seldom represented by their elected officials. Their
parties prop up people that do not represent our best and brightest, but
rather many wealthy, power hungry elitists. Most parties play both sides
of the political fence thus misrepresenting their own party platform.
Many of us are still waiting for real statesmen who fear God and obey
His Word. It would be refreshing to have leaders who are not afraid to
utter the words, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" and
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord", and actually mean it.
We had such great disdain
for being under the tyrants of Britain and were willing to pay the
ultimate price to be free. But now we cower before the Federal
government as though we no longer were a land 'for and by the people.'
States have given up their constitutional sovereignty and instead wait
in line to be blessed once again, by the kings of Washington DC. Our
representatives are enamored with taxes and spending without restraint
as they continue to create departments and programs outside of their God
given authority and outside of the U.S. Constitution. Many times law
enforcement, government leaders and judges punish the righteous, while
funding and praising those who do evil.
The godly prophets are
considered fools and yet the fools are proclaimed wise. The profane is
now called holy and evil is called good. We are certainly in trouble.
Though I am very worried about bioterrorism, illegal immigration and
nuclear war; the most frightful and troubling thought is that we are not
only driving that car in a race with the train, but most Americans seem
indifferent to the real coming train wreck of America. It appears that
few are trying to stop and consider whether it's worth losing such a race;
but then again, we might either offend someone or be accused of being
hateful. But shouldn't we be recapturing what it means to really love
God, our neighbor and even ourselves?
Biblical Family Advocates
is a Christian pro family organization protecting and promoting the
moral and spiritual interests of millions of families and churches
throughout the U.S. and around the world
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