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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Is Recess Over Yet?


By Carrie K. Hutchens

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am so tired of seeing and hearing about politicians acting like spoiled brats and school yard bullies that I'm rethinking my position on a democracy. Maybe we need to go back to parent-o-cracy and teach some manners and fair play tactics to those who apparently lack these skills. Time-outs seem like a good idea as well, but first maybe we ought to call off recess and require elected officials to act like mature adults, and put their constituents before their personal agendas and selfish wants.

Nancy Pelosi and pals can't seem to take "no" for an answer and too often seem like whining brats. This kind of brat thinks that if they keep after their parents long enough, trying to shame them, that the parents will finally relent and let them have their way. This breed of brat can't seem to see there is a world out there that does not revolve solely around them and their particular wants. Brats either can't see that their wants are selfish and only benefit a few in their group, or really don't care. Yes, that is what a great deal of this looks like. It doesn't matter if it is or not because obviously games are being played, and without any regard for fairness, at that.

The St. Petersburg Times had an article, "Pelosi aware of the unhappiness," Associated Press, Published October 28, 2007.  Does it fly over her head that people are unhappy with her and her behavior?

It is one thing to be against the war, and quite another to undermine the Commander-in-Chief at such a time. Quite another to open her mouth and share information and opinions with the world that puts our troops at risk. Quite another to make it look like we are a divided nation with each side out to win at all costs and in spite of the harm we are putting our military people in; this harm can be worse than the actual enemy. It tells the other side we are less than honorable, that we are weak and beatable. That if enough trouble is caused, we might just get tired of all the conflict and go running home to momma.

Personally, I rather we not be at war. Rationally, I know that avoiding war at all costs always is not reality, but rather, would set us up to be the slaves of any number of tyrants around the world. Is that really what the anti-war fans want?

Want the war to end? Then perhaps everyone ought to go in from recess and take a good look at how this can be accomplished. One way is to show the world that we might not agree on all things, but we will stand together as a nation. That we will play fair and strive to win because winning is the right thing to do, not because we can simply lie, cheat and bully our way into a win regardless. Yes, maybe it is time to take the tantrums and spoiled attitudes out of the scenario and look at the issues with intelligence and maturity. Maybe then we will find the answers and make good enlightened decisions based upon them. That's what adults are expected to do after all.

Is recess over yet?

May the bell come sooner than later!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


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