Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hillary Clinton: Playing the "Underdog Card" Again?
by Carrie K. Hutchens
Hillary Clinton is claiming that whenever it looks like she is headed to a win that people call for her to quit the race? Has she noted, by any chance, that when things don't look good for her that she readily pulls out that over-worn "underdog card" and plays it once again? Oh, poor Hillary, everyone is treating her so very badly, she and her campaign cries.
Hillary and her followers have claimed that the media doesn't hold Obama as accountable as it does her. Oh really? And whose "perspective" needs a little fine tuning on that matter?
Rev. Wright made negative comments, which people have been trying to claim reflected (and reflects) on Obama. How much play time has that story gotten compared to the other little incident that popped up? You know... the little incident of Hillary Clinton getting caught in an outright lie regarding the Bosnia trip. An outright lie that came out of her mouth -- no one else's. Did that little matter get as much coverage and air time? Hardly!
No matter what we see and hear, it appears the Clintons will push their stories in hopes the "fairy tales" will catch on and become "believed" to be the truth even though they're not. Perhaps Hillary Clinton is hoping that someday her version of the Bosnia trip will be made into a movie that some will consider the actual events in spite of the news coverage. Who knows, some people may even believe that the actual events were merely a cover-up or propaganda trying to destroy this woman that would be champion of the people. After all, that looks like what some are trying to feed us already.
One woman (a guest on Hardball) seemed to think that it was wrong to call Hillary on the Bosnia trip lie. She thought the treatment was unfair? How interesting. We are picking on Hillary Clinton if we hold her to telling the truth and insist that she take responsibility when she doesn't? How do people come up with justification for it being okay for one person to lie, but a grave and hideous sin if someone else does exactly the same thing?
Is there more negative coverage about Hillary than Obama? Could that possibly be due to the Clintons and their surrogates, rather than any special treatment of Obama? Could it be that the Clinton's have done more to be caught (and called on) for than what Obama and his surrogates have? How then is it the media's fault that the Clintons and pals keep giving them the extra material? How is it always (something) someone else's fault when Hillary & friends do something inappropriate and get caught? People shouldn't catch them, because that is against the rules in this Clinton age of thought? Amazing!
Hillary Clinton is good at playing the cards, including the underdog farce, it would seem. She bluffs... she bullies... she lies... and she appears to think the world should see this all as a good thing. Maybe the voters ought to take a second look and consider for a moment just what it says when the news media doesn't seem to think that a Clinton telling an outlandish lie is really that "news" worthy after all!
Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.
Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.
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How a candidate responds to being 'caught' in a misstatement or a half-truth or an outright lie tells us alot about their personal character. If a person consistently, blames others, shifts moral responsibility, claims mistreatment, victimization, that tells us a whole lot, too.
Does character matter? If you believe character does, then how a person treats the truth matters a lot.
So lets see you report on the exposed lies that have surfaced today from politico and the papers
These certainly are as worthy as the Sniper thing
Or do you simply turn the other cheek when its BO who has been caught in lies
Lets see the story on his ahem mis statements!
No doubt you will try to find a way to claim his innocence in these as well as anything he has ever done
Problem is that some are in his own sermons and his own handwriting!!
Anonymous (8:47 am) wrote:
"No doubt you will try to find a way to claim his innocence in these as well as anything he has ever done"
Really? You base your accusation on what evidence?
The article was about Hillary Clinton -- not a comparison between candidates. Whatever Obama has or hasn't done changes nothing. Hillary Clinton blatantly lied about her Bosnia experience and didn't even bother to graciously apologize for having done so when caught. No lie (big or small) from anyone else changes anything related to Hillary's Bosnia lie. Her lie remains a lie. Her lie remains her responsibility. Her lie remains as serious as it ever was. It doesn't somehow become devalued just because someone else allegedly told a lie, too.
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