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Friday, March 07, 2008

Under Fresh Attack by Courts: In Defense of Home Schooling

Focus on the Family - Dr. James Dobson

About the program:

A California state appellate court ruled last week that it is illegal for parents in the Golden State to home school their children without the appropriate state teaching credentials. If this ruling stands, home-schooling parents could, in effect, become guilty of a criminal offense. Find out how you can oppose this chilling decision, which Dr. Dobson calls "an unprecedented assault" on parental rights - one that could have nationwide consequences. Joining Dr. Dobson are public policy expert Carrie Gordon Earll, Michael Farris of the Home School Legal Defense Association and Roy Hanson of Family Protection Ministries. You'll also hear from a California home-schooling mom whose right to make educational decisions for her children is now under attack.

"At the heart of this case is a distrust of parents." - Michael Farris

Click here to listen.

From OnePlace.com


Anonymous said...

So...let me get this straight! Teachers with teaching degrees that can't teach because they're too busy disciplining unruly children, and children who don't know the language, not to mention the lack of resources they have to perform their job efficiently-- are allowed to "by law" take our children and mess them up further? How can I stand by and watch my child be in this environment? I know for a fact that homeschooled children are better well-rounded than those in the "system". If this goes through then I really need to consider moving to another country. Land of the free my behind!

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