Nations mean to choose and to do their own will
in the name of God and of country they kill,
and from the beginning it's been the great hoax
to commandeer allegiance from us simple folks...
"Sheeple" told to vote the choices they're given
but His sheep called to note the voice of their Sovereign,
for there is another Kingdom with greater authority
whose only law is love and its subjects a minority:
chosen, royal, holy, peculiar people and odd,
called out to live and show forth the praises of God.
And if reviled, persecuted and mocked is the price,
gladly live and die and be martyred for Christ
Who said, "Represent Me in this world, be not of it
for My enemies embrace the world and they love it."
But to live is Christ and to die is gain
so let others vote Obama, let others choose McCain.
Yet let us, dear brethren, remember Who we serve
Who redeemed us, forgave us, and loved us undeserved.
There is no other choice for the born again
whose citizenship in this world must end,
for this world must end; it's the system's fate,
so come out of her My people, before it's too late,
for if you are Mine then it's you they will hate…
Come out of her My people - now - in 2008.
Chris Stewart lives on the Rosebud Reservation with her husband Ray and their three homeschooled girls. As fellow sojourners, they strive to honorably represent their King and His Kingdom to those around them.
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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited
The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever. But how can we escape the snare?

Monday, August 25, 2008
The Choice...A Poem for Now
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