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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Men to Use Women's Restrooms at U of Pittsburgh

Somebody call the grownups and tell them we need them in charge again.

First it was Montgomery County in Maryland. Then the entire state of Colorado joined the merry trend. Next was the juvenile justice system in New York. Then Gainesville, Florida chimed in. Now the University of Pittsburgh is piling on.

What am I talking about? Indulging the fantasies of people who can't interpret the implications of the sex organs between their legs...or simply don't want to and demand that the universe bend to their childishness.

A growing number of organizations and municipalities across the country are making special housing consideration for men who want to call themselves women, or women who want to call themselves men. These inmates-in-charge-of-the-asylum are allowing men to use women's restrooms and locker rooms, and in the case of Colorado, silencing anyone who disagrees.

According to OneNewsNow, the latest to join this insanity is the University of Pittsburgh is changing its policy to allow this sort of thing:

The new policy means that a man who feels like he is a woman can be housed in the women's dormitory and vice versa. And that involves "showering and using the restroom and the whole shebang," explains Diane Gramley, president of American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA).

Gramley mentally puts herself in the position of being in a women's dorm restroom, when a man walks in to use the facilities. "I think that she would be shocked and dismayed -- and I would think she would also be concerned about her safety," she contends.

I don't know about you, but I think we've had our full quotient of silliness. It's time to put the adults--the sane ones--back in charge of things in our country.

Public safety is at stake, here. It's time to end the silly pandering to people who can't or won't figure out their sex and restore order.


Gainesville Gender Identity Ordinance said...

FYI here in Gainesville, the citizens petitioned to repeal the bathroom ordinance. Our City Commission decided to go rogue and pass this ordinance even though 400-500 people showed up to the meeting to express their disapproval. Now it's going to be put up to a vote next year sometime. This Commission tried to stop the petition at every turn and even ran marketing campaigns with mailers against it. For more info visit: www.citizensforgoodpublicpolicy.org

alexh2007 said...

I'm not sure why this is tagged under "homosexuality." Sexual identity and gender identity are two very different things. What, do you think all gay men secretly wish they were women, and all lesbians wish they were men?

By the way you talk about this issue, I doubt you've even met a transgender man. Why is public safety at stake - because you think they spent thousands of dollars on surgery, hormone therapy, and behavioral conditioning just so they can molest women in locker rooms?

Bob Ellis said...

Dakota Voices sends our best wishes and prayers for success, Gainesville Gender Identity Ordinance!

Bob Ellis said...

Alex, it's tagged under "homosexuality" because this transgender nonsense is a manifestation of homosexuality. Why do you think even the homosexual community frequently refers to itself as LBGT?

Practically speaking, if a man dresses up as a woman and has sex with a man...he's still having homosexual sex. If a man even cuts off his penis and has a surgeon construct a facsimile of a vagina and the man subsequently has sex with a man with his fax-vagina, it's still homosexual sex.

It's all a form of sexual dysfunction where people want to act as if their sex is the opposite of what it actually is.

As to the public safety issue, many of these mixed-up people haven't gone through the surgery and hormone therapy yet.

And this also gives the heterosexual sex offender the perfect cover to enter women's restrooms and locker rooms to get his jollies...visually or worse.

Transgender fantasies shouldn't be indulged by government on any level, and especially not when public safety is threatened.

alexh2007 said...

Well, bisexuality isn't the same as homosexuality, yet it's in there with LGBT too, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Regardless, "transgender" should not be lumped in with homosexuality, because gender identity disorder is a legitimate psychological problem, unlike heterosexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality, which are merely sexual orientations.

"As to the public safety issue, many of these mixed-up people haven't gone through the surgery and hormone therapy yet."

How do you know? Do you have statistics to back up that assumption?

Have you ever met a transgender person? I did once, and I didn't even know she was transgender until someone told me afterwards. You'd be amazed at how convincing it can be.

And trust me, given the negative stigma of being transgender, no heterosexual sex offender would want to say he's a guy who thinks he's a girl.

Bob Ellis said...

In case it escaped you, Alex, a bisexual engages in homosexual sex; otherwise they'd be a heterosexual.

Gender identity disorder is no more or no less a "legitimate psychological problem" than homosexuality. In other words, there is something out of order psychologically for a person to think that homosexual behavior is positive or normal, just as there is something out of order psychologically for a man to look between his legs, see a penis and say "That's not right." In fact, homosexuality would probably still be listed as a psychological disorder if the APA hadn't chickened out in the face of homosexual activists and their protests. Which is incidentally why they forfeited any credibility--a professional organization that makes clinical decisions on the basis of political animosity has no reliable authority.

Yes I've known and encountered some of these mixed-up folks. In fact, one is a former councilman in Rapid City. He went for a year or more crossdressing before getting his penis cut off.

You say a heterosexual sex offender wouldn't want to claim he's transsexual because of the stigma. For one thing, the successful propaganda campaign waged by homosexual activists for the past 20 years is paying off. And for another, if it got him closer access to the objects of his lust, I'm sure he'd do it in a heartbeat.

alexh2007 said...

"In case it escaped you, Alex, a bisexual engages in homosexual sex; otherwise they'd be a heterosexual."

And they also engage in heterosexual sex, so that would make them heterosexual, right? Does your orientation change depending on who you're in bed with? I hate to disappoint you, but some things in life don't fall into the convenient categories of either/or. People - even you! - are far more complex than any label can possibly describe.

"Homosexuality would probably still be listed as a psychological disorder if the APA hadn't chickened out in the face of homosexual activists and their protests. Which is incidentally why they forfeited any credibility--a professional organization that makes clinical decisions on the basis of political animosity has no reliable authority."

First of all, I wonder how quickly you would retract that last statement if you needed help with a psychological issue. Let's say you had an autistic kid or a relative with schizophrenia. Whatever psychologist or clinician you turn to for assistance will most likely owe his knowledge to the research of organizations like the APA whether directly or indirectly. It amazes me how people like you are always willing to deride the scientific community when it suits your agenda, only to rely on them for assistance later, when you realize that they're not so stupid after all.

But getting to my point, I'm glad you brought up the APA's removal of homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. To you, they chickened out. To me, and anyone who has bothered to examine the issue and talked to licensed psychologists, the APA faced reality and stopped trying to "fix" homosexuality, because none of their attempts at treatment have worked, even after decades of trying.

Unlike people of faith, who ignore contradictions and contrary evidence and insist that their gut feelings are right no matter what, people of reason take a different approach: if a "problem" doesn't go away after decades of failed "solutions," the logical conclusion is that it was never a problem at all, and should no longer be considered as such.

Homosexuals are no longer locked up in padded cells or subjected to electroshock therapy not because of political correctness, but because those treatments DO NOT WORK! And any attempt to change one's sexual orientation (as so-called "ex-gay" ministries claim to do) is ineffective and deterimental to the patient; there's peer-reviewed evidence to back this up.

I'm sure you're familiar with our rather greedy pharmaceutical industry. Even when a disorder isn't legitimate, they find some way to peddle their medications to an ignorant, easily manipulated public. We now have millions of people thinking they have restless leg syndrome when they actually don't, people who think they're depressed or hyperactive when they're actually not, and so on. With all of the people in the world who drive themselves crazy wishing they weren't gay, wouldn't you think drug companies would unveil a newly discovered de-gaying pill? If there's a market, there's a potential for profit.

Adding one more fake issue to the list, organizations like NARTH, JONAH, and Exodus International exploit the emotional desperation of gay people and their distraught families by making them think they have something called "same-sex attraction disorder." There's a reason why these groups are not recognized by the APA or any other legitimate medical entity - they don't know what they're talking about! They use pseudo-science and the Bible to make people think their reasoning is valid, and instead of offering verifiable scientific evidence to prove that "change is possible," all they can show us are personal testimonies of people who are already under tremendous pressure to say that they've "changed." Hardly scientific, and hardly legitimate.

Bob Ellis said...

It makes them bisexual as I said, Alex, and they practice homosexuality which puts them in the camp with homosexuals and the LGBT community. If they only practiced heterosexual sex, then they'd be heterosexuals. As it is, they are bisexual, which is a facet of homosexuality. Just as transgenders are a facet of the homosexual community, thus their inclusion in LGBT.

I understand that you would embrace the APA's politically correct cowardice, as it works in your favor. However, they undermine not only their own reputation for professionalism but sanity as well, in claiming there is apparently nothing irregular about someone who thinks men should have sex with men, and that pursuing a lifestyle fraught with disease, depression, substance abuse and other health risks is normal, natural and healthy.

It's true that you can't make people change when they refuse to and don't want to. But abandoning the entire homosexual community to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ruin is a sad indictment on our medical community.

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