By Marie Jon'
When all is said and done, if Sen. Barack Obama becomes President of the United States, I for one will not be celebrating. I know the real Obama; he is America's enemy, along with the party which has been bought and paid for by men like George Soros. He and other Socialist/Communist sympathizers hide themselves within the once honorable Democrat Party.
The specter of an Obama administration is foreboding. He is an odious person who wants to throw our country into Socialism. He is not apologetic for the truths he has hidden from us. Obama brings with him far left cronies and policies and seeks to usher in a new era of history hardly befitting an American president no matter what his race, creed or color.
America is on its way to becoming radicalized, infused with the philosophy and thoughts gleaned from Obama's many anti-American friends. The unrepentant terrorist professor, William Ayers, whose dreams will be fulfilled in an Obama administration, is but one of these. Many of our youth will become foot solders filled with anti-American thoughts. Our public schools and higher learning institutions have become bastions of far left ideology. Patriotism is no longer taught. However, unionized teachers see fit to wear Obama political pins in the classrooms.
Americans had their chance to see Barack Obama up close and personal while viewing him through the media and YouTube sermons featuring Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Rev. Otis Moss III of Trinity United Church. Yet too many chose to ignore these bigoted, despicable anti-American, anti-Semitic people while marching to the polls to vote in the primaries. They have allowed themselves to become "useful idiots," including Colin Powell.
There are few days left to turn from the course toward which America is headed. Our rights as citizens already have been compromised by out-and-out brazen voter fraud, funded partially by Obama's campaign. Obama has deep ties with ACORN. To this day he lies about his involvement with the organization that is attempting to steal the election. He was also heavily involved with the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failures, another connection America fails to recognize.
The Democrats in Congress ignored President Bush's warnings when he first came into office, and many times thereafter. Bush did not recommend or sanction cooking the books as a way to help lower income citizens to own a home. Yet the media and the Democrat Party have managed to frame this issue and put the blame on the Republican Party and the president. In 2005 Sen. John McCain unsuccessfully tried to pass a bill that would reform these two government entities. The Democrats in Congress killed the bill. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mismanagement is now a global fiscal problem.
If you think Americans are feeling discontentment for their government now, you need to understand what is yet to come. Political dirty dealings will become the norm within a bigger government. The Democrats could very well control the White House and the Congress, and eventually the Supreme Court. No one will be able to stop the far left radicalized Democrats from doing what they will with our country.
Some Americans feel that Obama inspires them, but how, and why? I do not hear people leaving his rallies singing "God bless America." It is apparent that the far left sees our country as consistently faulty and in desperate need of change. Everything is up for grabs, including social issues that concern embracing the sanctity of life. The fate of Iraq's democratic freedom is at also stake. Democrats want to pull out of Iraq and not allow our troops come home victorious.
Excerpts from The Bulletin: "The Unmasking Of Socialist, Radical Obama"
"When Sen. Barack Obama isn't reading from a teleprompter or a script prepared by his handlers, the truth starts coming small doses. That's what happened with Joe 'The Plumber' Wurzelbacher. Joe asked Obama about his plans for raising taxes on small business, and the great one replied, 'It's not that I want to punish your success; when you spread the wealth around it is good for everyone.'
"Spreading wealth around is right out of Sen. Obama's socialist playbook, and is central to his extremist, radical, left wing, liberal, socialist agenda. No, Sen. Obama, spreading wealth is not good for everyone. It may be good for the Democratic Party, which sees its Robin Hood tactics as a way to win votes, as a way to extend the welfare state, as a way to rob Peter to pay Paul, and as a way to follow the failed European model favored by leftists. But spreading wealth around is not good for the American economy. It is just a piece of the constant tax, spend, regulate, and grow government approach of the Democratic Party, which kills jobs, slows the economy, increases the deficit, and punishes and penalizes success. Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy were tax-cutters and proved that's the way to a stronger economy. Herbert Hoover and Barack Obama are advocates of tax increases and trade restrictions in tough economic times. Hoover gave us the first Great Depression and Sen. Obama may be on the road to producing the second (if, God forbid, he should be elected).
"Sen. Obama's game-changing gaffe focused light on another sad reality. The sickness of the mainstream media was demonstrated by its reaction to the unmasking of Sen. Obama as a socialist, bent on redistributionist policies that are anathema to the American people. Instead of admitting the gaffe or trying to explain it away, they launched an attack on Joe The Plumber. They discovered that his middle name was Joe, but his first name was Samuel. They discovered he wasn't a licensed plumber (which he doesn't have to be to run a plumbing business).
"The Obama spread-the-wealth slip of the tongue also revealed his welfare state mentality and that of the Democratic Party. You can't make a big chunk of the population subservient to government and to the Democratic Party, without doling out goodies of all sorts, especially cash payments. His tax plan is not aimed at stimulating economic growth, producing more jobs, and bringing prosperity. No it is just another tax and spend welfare scheme. It is a welfare plan, not a tax plan. He robotically repeats he is going to cut income taxes for 95 percent of American workers. That's an outright fraud and an obvious impossibility, as an estimated 30 or 40 percent don't even pay income taxes. What he is going to do is send those 30 or 40 percent a welfare check disguised under the more palatable label of an income tax cut." Full Article
If our course is not changed concerning the move toward a far left presidency, there will soon be gnashing of teeth. Americans will weep for the choices they have made this election year. Sadly, even with only one term of an Obama regime, we will suffer from the damage for many decades.
The following is an astute warning from an anonymous writer:
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith
2. From spiritual faith to great courage
3. From courage to liberty
4. From liberty to abundance
5. From abundance to complacency
6. From complacency to apathy
7. From apathy to dependence;*It has been suggested that this is where the USA currently finds itself
8. From dependence back into bondage
Marie Jon' is a political/religious-based writer and founder of and — sister websites to RenewAmerica. Marie extends her hand of welcome; visit DrawingClose and receive your free gift of salvation by taking an online Bible study.
Marie's writings have appeared on many sites, including The New Media Journal, ChronWatch, and ABCNews, to name a few. Marie brings a refreshing and spirited point of view that is reflected in her writings. Marie is a nurse, a lay student of the Bible, and a patriot. She is an advocate for American troops serving abroad, as well as the Blue and Gold Star Mothers of America and their families. Marie enjoys radio, Rush Limbaugh, Bruce Elliott Saturdays 5AM-9AM EST and her friend Larry Elder.
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008
America Will Be Very Sorry
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HA HA HA HA HA how dare you call Obama a commnunist? YOU RETARD!!!!!!!
Milan, I didn't see anywhere that Marie called Obama a communist. Perhaps you should grab a mirror if you're looking for someone of lesser intelligence.
But as for Obama's Marxist leanings, if the shoe fits...
Aw Bob, I see Milan's petty name-calling made you a little upset. Kind of unnecessary, isn't it? Maybe that's how gay people feel when you call them insane, immoral idiots.
It actually amused me, cinemaphile85. Milan showed he/she/it doesn't have very good reading comprehension skills...or is only interested in distorting things.
And when one acts in an immoral manner, one is immoral. When one acts in a manner divorced from reality, one is acting insanely.
That's simple to understand for most Americans.
And what about calling someone an idiot? I guess it's fine for you to write nasty comments about total strangers, but it's somehow "inappropriate" to actually say these things to their faces? Nice example you're setting for your kids.
And by the way, I wouldn't expect even a ten-year-old respond to Milan as immaturely as you did. I guess you're an "eye for an eye" Christian rather than a "turn the other cheek" one, even when it comes to acting like a child.
In any case, Milan's right. The author basically implies that Obama is a communist. A bit of an overstatement, if you ask me, but consider the source: Marie boasts that she knows the real Obama. I wonder, has she even MET him?
Boy, you're just so full of hate and venom, you can't let the slightest thing do, can you, cinemaphile85? What happened to all that "open mindedness" and "tolerance" the Left is famous for.
Since you insist I spell it out for you, an idiot is defined as one who is foolish or stupid, and is derived from the Latin idiota meaning an ignorant person.
I don't throw the term around lightly, but, as in the case of communists, if the shoe fits, one should wear it.
The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto are:
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production
You can see the agenda of Obama and most other Democrats hard at work in bringing about most of these. Interesting, isn't it? Or rather, pathetic and sad in a country with an auspicious foundation like America.
If one espouses the doctrines and philosophies of Marxism and communism, then it is completely appropriate to call someone a communist and/or Marxist--though Marie didn't actually say Obama is a communist.
When appropriate, Jesus called people a "brood of vipers," hypocrites, blind guides, sons of hell, blind men, blind fools, snakes, whitewashed tombs and more. I think I have a ways to go before I pass the thresh hold of gentility set by the Son of God.
Homosexual activists have done such a thorough job of intimidating Christians from telling the truth about the perils of homosexual behavior, that you aren't used to hearing it spoken about in a negative light. I don't intimidate easily, and have always been straightforward, so my candor seems harsh to you because most Christians are afraid of being called names. Christ said a long time ago, and I accepted that truth a long time ago, that hatred and name-calling from the immoral comes with the job of telling the truth.
Why don't you go read up on Marxism and see what it entails. Then look at some history books and see what it produces; there are many examples throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. Not a single one has produced the "workers paradise" where people are happy and fulfilled; rather, Marxist policies (like those Obama is enamored with) always produce oppression and misery.
Meanwhile, capitalism tempered with Christian morality always produces freedom and prosperity.
Maybe you should also learn more about capitalism and Christian morality so you can help make America a better place.
As I said before, I wonder if you have the guts to call someone an idiot to his face, rather than hide behind a computer screen?
I do and I have. Do you?
Sure, the next time I'm in South Dakota I'll pay you a visit.
But I thought liberals were far too tolerate for such things. I'm shocked!
Liberals are tolerate? That's news to me. I always thought the stereotype was that they're tolerant.
Seriously, this is the kind of "grammar" you're teaching your kids? Don't expect them to win any spelling bees.
Like I've said before, when you start typing 5,000- 10,000 words a day, with a lot of it before the sun comes up, and a lot of it after the sun has gone down, with no mistakes, come talk to me.
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