South Dakota Right to Life's opposition to Initiated Measure 11 is creating a lot of buzz right now.
Their recent newsletter had an ad or statement on the back page in opposition to IM 11.
While pro-abortionists are, predictably, doing their best to spin this as "implosion in the pro-life community" and such drivel, it really just shows how out of touch they are.
The pro-life community knew RTL was officially opposed to a measure with exceptions, even before IM 11 was completed and made ready for the petition drive. There's nothing at all new here, and no disagreement that hasn't been known about for a year or more.
It is most assuredly disappointing that some of our pro-life friends in RTL aren't with the rest of the pro-life community on this. In addition to facing a well-funded and fanatically desperate opposition made up of Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and other ultra-liberal radicals, we would simply like to be united in this important effort.
I agree totally with Pastor Hickey at Voices Carry: many rank-and-file people who belong to RTL do support this measure.
When I was helping gather petition signatures to get Initiated Measure 11 on the ballot, I talked to a number of county chapter RTL leaders in northern and central South Dakota about circulating petitions in their area. I knew when I made the phone call that officially RTL was against us, but I thought it worth a try anyway. I was pleasantly surprised to be met with statements like, "Sure! I'd love to! How many petitions can you send me?"
While it may be obvious to some, it remains important to note that the opposition to some in South Dakota RTL have to IM 11 is for the exact opposite reason the pro-abortion South Dakota Campaign for UnHealthy Families opposes IM 11: while SDRTL believes IM 11 doesn't save enough unborn children, UnHealthy Families believes IM doesn't allow enough unborn children to be killed. Both opposed, but big difference in why.
I understand the misgivings some in RTL have with IM 11. I, too, would prefer a law that recognized the dignity and humanity of all unborn children, regardless of the circumstances of their conception.
However, we gave that our best shot in 2006...and unfortunately too many voters were misled by the pro-abortionists. But since we tried our best to get the right bill passed, and failed, I have absolutely zero qualms about supporting IM 11 100%.
And since most average pro-lifers across South Dakota--plus practically every national pro-life organization including Operation Rescue--also support IM 11, I have no doubts that it's the right thing to do.
According to the latest statistics available from the South Dakota Department of Health, only 1.9% of the abortions done in South Dakota fall within the exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother and life of the mother.
The largest segment of abortions done in South Dakota--84.6%--are done because "the mother did not desire to have the child."
That's abortion on demand. That's abortion as retroactive birth control. And that is what South Dakotans have said in polls like the one KELO did in 2006 that they do not endorse; that KELO poll found 75% support for a bill with exceptions. This one has those exceptions; they are not excuses, but carefully worded exceptions.
If you could only save 98.1% of the people in a burning building, would you stand on the sidewalk with your arms crossed because you couldn't save 100%?
Neither would I. So I'm not.
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Thursday, October 09, 2008
On SD Right to Life Opposition to Initiated Measure 11
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