The Yes on 8 at have their first ad out in support of Proposition 8 in California to protect marriage from the homosexual hijackers and their accomplices in the judiciary.
The people of California voted in 2000 to protect marriage and spell out what rational people have understood instinctively for thousands of years: that marriage is between a man and a woman.
In May 2008, however, a slim majority of activist judges in the California Supreme Court decided to take it upon themselves to create law (something normally reserved to the legislature or to the people and the democratic process) and to redefine the foundational institution of marriage.
In November, the people of California will take marriage back from the radical social engineers and spell it out in their state constitution.
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Thursday, October 02, 2008
Whether You Like it or Not
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Sorry if the phrase "whether you like it or not" rubs you the wrong way, but sometimes that's the way the concept of equal protection cuts. Conservatives like yourself may not like it, but the fact remains that just because something is unpopular doesn't mean its unconstitutional. Likewise, just because something is "traditional" doesn't make it constitutional.
It is not the courts' job to uphold the precise will of the majority of the people. That's what elections are for. The job of the courts is to uphold the Constitution, regardless of whether the necessary decisions fall in line with the will of the majority. It is up to the judges to determine, without bias from the rest of the population, what constitutes equality under the law, or equal protection. It seems more than obvious to me that to exclude Gays from the institution of marriage is a clear violation of any notion of "equality," and I have yet to see anyone dispute that on a rational level. Therefore, it is not "activism" on the part of judges to declare that Gay and Straight couples should be treated equally under the law, rather it is an example of judges performing their rightful duty.
At the very least, the federal government should allow Gay spouses to file joint tax returns and to designate one another for survivorship benefits under Social Security. If a "civil union" would allow us to do this, I'm all for it. If not, then nothing but full marriage equality will suffice.
anziulewicz, the Constitution doesn't provide for providing special rights, privileges and benefits to certain people based on their sexual preference. Homosexuals already have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else, so there is no lack of equality or equal protection.
The Constitution does, however, specify that legislatures and the people through the initiative process pass laws, not the judiciary.
It seems you like the idea of an oligarchy, which is what we have when a group of people in black robes decide what our laws will be. That's not America; maybe you should try one of the despotic regimes around the world if you like this approach better, and leave America to the people who love freedom and self-governance.
Homosexual unions do absolutely nothing redeeming or useful for society whatsoever--unlike a heterosexual union (i.e. marriage) which can and usually does produce children that any civilization needs to carry on the future of that civilization, and those marriages also provide what is absolutely the best for those children: a loving, nurturing, stable and healthy environment for those children to grow and develop in.
Homosexual unions do not produce children, and since the homosexuals have much higher rates of AIDS, STDs, depression, substance abuse, suicide and domestic violence, this is the LAST place we would want to put children. Homosexuals also have a very high rate of promiscuity, and a very low rate of monogamy (and even those relationships where "monogamy" is claimed, the evidence reveals a loose definition of "monogamy" that can include multiple sexual partners. Again, the LAST environment you would want to subject a developing child to.
That's just the facts of history, science, health, nature and life. Whether you like it or not.
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