The fact that the media are
toadying up to president wanna-be Mike Huckabee should tell you all you
need to know.
He is not, never has
been, nor will he suddenly turn into, a statesman who will get the
United States back on a constitutional track.
The media have for one
reason only blessed Mike Huckabee; and it has nothing to do with his
profession of faith in the Nazarene.
Media have anointed him a
‘frontrunner’ despite his profession of Christian beliefs.
The reason is, Mike
Huckabee embraces enough big-government, left-leaning socialist policies
and ideology that his Christianity can be forgiven him by a press corps
decidedly hostile to all that honors Providence.
The former Arkansas
governor never met an illegal alien he did not want to wrap in social
services. Huckabee thinks those who break and enter here instead of
going through the legally defined channels should receive prenatal care,
reduced college tuition and all the perks taxpayers can bundle up and
hand over. He also liked giving the Mexican government a taxpayer
subsidized place to lobby for more perks from Arkansans. In fact, Mike
Huckabee thinks if you are against amnesty and guest worker programs,
you are likely under bondage to the sin of racism. A recent poll taken
by the group Americans for Legal Immigration showed 65% oppose
Huckabee’s amnesty plan allowing illegals to return to their country for
a day and then come back into the U.S. legally. Only 10% of those polled
approved of his so-called ‘touch-back’ plan, better known as amnesty
dressed up as ‘immigration reform’.
Mike thinks God’s earth
ought to be more ‘green.’ He’s bought into the cars-cause-the- earth’s
-temperatures –to-fluctuate- hoax and wants our government to join in
the rush to crush free enterprise, private property and liberty in order
to cool things down.
Huckabee thinks
government is your momma. While governor, he supported laws to ban
pregnant women from smoking and laws mandating schoolchildren be weighed
for obesity.
These state-level policy
decisions are among the reasons the media can forgive Governor Huckabee
his Christian-ness; after all, what media outlet doesn’t love that
‘more-is-better’ approach to the federal government’s role.
It should be clear; those
who subscribe to a constitutionally sound political ideology could not
support Huckabee for president the way they could support Congressman
Ron Paul.
Mike Huckabee is no Ron
Paul, not only because of the governor’s relentless pursuit of the
nanny-state, but because he has struggled with the sin of greed while
serving the public. By now, reports have surfaced about how he accepted
cash, suits, gold jewelry and other items just barely squeezing by the
law, and how he gave political appointments to people who gave him cool
stuff. Then there was the downright tacky gift-grab he attempted when he
registered for house wares at local department stores when he and his
wife were moving out of the governor’s mansion. You just cannot make
this stuff up.
On a more serious,
actually, a deadly note, Huckabee supported the invasion of Iraq, even
after he acknowledged the justification for that war was bogus. He also
does not discount pre-emptive war against Iran.
Just what we need-
another president who will swear to uphold the Constitution and then
turn around and disregard that business in Article I Section 8 that says
something about who can declare war and for what reasons.
Huckabee’s lying about a
theology degree, his pardon of a convict who went on to rape and murder
a woman, his defense of evolution (though he doesn’t “believe” the
theory he thinks school children should be taught it as truth), are some
of the reasons we should question his judgment and his character.
However, many will say, “it doesn’t matter, he’s a good man, a born
again Christian and we need a Christian in the White House.”
These are the same people
who voted for George W. Bush. Twice. The same people who continue to
defend GW today, because… “He’s a Christian”… All the while a staunch,
limited government, classically conservative, constitutionalist
Christian candidate named Ron Paul bobs and weaves beneath the radar
getting no endorsements from the big name “Christians” or their
Where were the followers
of Jesus when Ambassador Alan Keyes ran for president?
The time has come to look
beyond the labels, ignoring the talk and focusing on the walk. Neither
of the parties in charge in D.C. will offer up a sound constitutionalist
for president (barring a miraculous Ron Paul candidacy). However, we can
be part of a second American revolution, which upends the political
status quo and declares support for a third party candidate. Otherwise
we may watch “Christians” elect another enemy of the Constitution. For
now, I find myself praying:
“God, save us from your people.”
Mary Starrett was
the Constitution Party candidate for Oregon governor in November, 2006,
a TV news anchor and talk show host for 25 years and a radio talk show
host for 5 years.
Executive Director,
Oregonians for Life, Board of Directors, Christian Family Adoptions.
She is currently the
Communications Director for the Constitution Party.
The Constitution Party
is the fastest-growing minor political party (
and is made up of Americans who believe a return to constitutional
government is imperative.
You can read other
works by Mary Starrett here.
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