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Blasts Civil Rights Leaders LOS ANGELES, Oct. 17 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Rev.
Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the Brotherhood Organization of
a New Destiny (BOND) and author of "SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits
Black America" (Nelson Current) issued a statement today demanding that the
mainstream media hold accountable Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, the
National Urban League and members of the Congressional Black Caucus for
their endorsement and Rev. Peterson said: "The Millions More Movement was a Black hate-fest with the same evil spirit as that of neo-Nazi's. Louis Farrakhan--the "American Hitler"--was up to his old tricks, encouraging anger towards Whites and dividing the races in America. Liberal Black civil rights groups have openly embraced Farrakhan's separatist racial agenda. Where's the scrutiny by the mainstream media of the alignment of these so-called 'civil rights groups' to Farrakhan?" This weekend Farrakhan called for the creation of a separate political and social agenda for Blacks. Farrakhan demanded reparations for slavery. He called for "regime change in the U.S." Farrakhan said Black farmers should partner with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. "As long as we keep our mouths in the kitchen of our enemy, we will never have" economic freedom. He also called on attendees to give one dollar a week to his Millions More Movement disaster relief fund. Rev. Peterson added: "In recent weeks Farrakhan has charged that the New Orleans levees were blown up by Whites in order to kill Black residents. Farrakhan also believes an evil Black scientist created White people. As long as the mainstream media refuses to expose these crazy ideas Farrakhan and the liberal Black leaders will continue to fleece Blacks and further divide the races." The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of "rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man." Since 1990 BOND has been helping families and individuals of all races with their unique programs and services. For more information about BOND, visit www.bondinfo.org or call 800-411-2663 (BOND).
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