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10/24/2005 SurveyUSA Shows 'Yes on Proposition 73' SACRAMENTO, Oct. 24 /Christian Wire Service/ -- A new SurveyUSA poll released Tuesday indicates Californians overwhelmingly support Proposition 73, the Parents' Right to Know and Child Protection Initiative. With three weeks to go before the November 8th Special Election, voter interest is increasing and Prop 73 continues to garner strong support across the state, even among voters who consider themselves pro-choice. Overall, 60 percent of Californians support the measure and 38 percent oppose with just 2 percent undecided. Two weeks ago, SurveyUSA's poll had Prop 73 passing 59 percent to 39 percent. "This poll is nearly identical to the poll released two
weeks ago," said John Feliz, campaign director for the Yes on Proposition
73. "However, the cross tabs reveal that an overwhelming majority of
Californians believe in protecting the Proposition 73 will require competent medical personnel to notify a parent or guardian forty-eight hours before performing an abortion on a minor daughter. The SurveyUSA poll, sponsored by KABC-TV (Los Angeles), KPIX-TV (San Francisco), KGTV-TV (San Diego), and KXTV-TV (Sacramento) interviewed 1,200 Californians, of which 609 individuals were considered 'likely voters.' The sampling error is (+/-) 4 percent. SurveyUSA's poll is available online at: http://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReportEmail.aspx?g=20451188-1cb5-4da4-b9b1-ed77fb7a688f. According to survey data, Prop 73 has increased support across the political spectrum. More than 44 percent of pro-choice voters support parental notification (a swing of seven points). Women support the ballot measure 60 percent to 38 percent (a swing of eights points). The strongest support comes from Hispanic voters, 71 percent in favor and 26 percent opposed (a swing of 17 points). Black voters favor the measure 70 percent to 28 percent (a swing of 28 points). Union members support Prop 73 at a slightly higher rate than non-union members; 63 percent favor and 35 percent oppose (a swing of six points).
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