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10/24/2005 Walk To Reclaim America Begins Countdown OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 24 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Rick
and Jane McKinney began the 60 day countdown today for the beginning of
their walk across America. The countdown begins during a month long layover
in Oklahoma City during "We're walking to draw attention to what we believe is the most important task before America today," says Rick McKinney, "the reclaiming of America's Freedoms, Families, and Faith. Our Founding Fathers could never have imagined that the foundational truths of our nation could be so forgotten. We're going to walk over 2800 miles reminding people every step of the way of this nation's Christian heritage." The McKinneys, who plan to leave Los Angeles, CA on January 1st, 2006 will walk 18-20 miles per day, six days per week and arrive in Washington DC on July 4th, 2006. During the walk they will be holding "Reclaim America" rallies on Sunday all across the country. "We're out to make a difference," says Mr. McKinney who turned 50 years old this month. "It may make a difference in a few people or in thousands, but we just can't sit and watch our country continue to leave behind the things we believe are important." Further information including schedules, maps, and pictures go to: www.walktoreclaimamerica.com.
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