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10/25/2005 White House Fails to Understand the Demoralizing Impact
the Miers Nomination Has Had on Grassroots Activists Across the Country WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The
Christian Defense Coalition says Miers disaster could have serious negative
implications for Republicans and the President in the '06 midterm elections.
Group says it was the composition of the Supreme Court and judicial activism that drove thousands of activists to work for the President in the '04 elections. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "Last year at this time, I was involved in a 20 city tour through Pennsylvania and Ohio challenging the pro-life and pro-family to vote in the national elections. Without a doubt, the most important issue for the base grassroots activists was judicial activism and future composition of the Supreme Court. They recognized one of the most critical problems facing our nation was the unbridled power of the federal judiciary. So, they passed out literature in the rain. Activists distributed signs, made thousands of phone calls and walked precinct after precinct in the hopes of bringing reform to the Supreme Court. "They did not exhaust all of that energy to see Harriet Miers nominated to the court. A nominee in which there appears almost no enthusiasm or passion from the grass roots. "The dilemma and question for the President and Republican party is this; will these activists make the same kinds of sacrifices in the '06 midterm elections that they did in '04? After the Miers disaster, my sense is they will not. Many are asking the question, why should I work so hard only to have the White House let us down with a another pick like Harriet Miers? With elections margins so narrow, a loss of passion by the grass activists could spell disaster for the Republicans in '06."
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