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10/25/2005 National Coalition Urges Citizens to Mark Pornography
Awareness Week To: National Desk Contact: Francesca Jensen, Director of Communications for the National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, 513-521-6227, ext. 111 CINCINNATI, Oct. 25 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The
National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families urges citizens
to inform their communities about the issue of pornography during
Pornography Awareness Week, which runs Following are ways citizens can mark Pornography Awareness Week: -- Write your mayor and governor urging them to publicly declare Pornography Awareness Week. -- Host a breakfast or luncheon where public officials would issue a proclamation. -- Write your U.S. Attorney General and urge him or her to enforce federal obscenity laws that govern the mailing, interstate transportation, importing, broadcasting, cable casting, telephone transmission and computer transmission of obscenity. -- Plan a series of events – like a rally, training session or public assembly – during the week to draw attention to the issue. -- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper explaining the harmful effects of pornography and mentioning the White Ribbon Campaign, which features citizens wearing and displaying white ribbons to heighten awareness of the cultural problem of pornography. -- Write President Bush to tell him about Pornography Awareness Week. -- Commend in writing or in person the proprietors of stores that do not carry pornography. -- Publicly recognize people who work with sex abuse survivors – like rape crisis counselors. Initiate an appreciation meal in their honor. -- Contact your local media outlets to let them know how you are observing Pornography Awareness Week. The National Coalition provides written materials and resources, as well as consultation for citizens who want to get involved in their communities. For more information, call the National Coalition at 513-521-6227.
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