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10/26/2005 CEO Visits Nebraska for the Second Time in October (Billings, Mont.) – R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard recently spoke to more than 110 people at meetings in Arthur, Neb., and Valentine, Neb. Both meetings and the calf sale in Valentine brought in over $8,500 to benefit R-CALF USA. Independent Cattlemen of Nebraska (ICON), Marshall Custom Hats, and the Bank of Keystone hosted the dinner meeting in Arthur on October 12. ICON Board Member Bob Rothwell organized the event. “It’s important to introduce producers to R-CALF and
ICON, to familiarize them with the policies of organizations that truly “Bill was outstanding,” commented Kem Sibbitt, an R-CALF USA member from Hyannis, Neb. “He brought to light a lot of important trade issues.” The next day, ICON and South Dakota Stockgrowers Association (SDSGA) sponsored the Valentine dinner meeting following the calf sale at Valentine Livestock Auction Company. Kenny Fox, SDSGA Region 3 Vice President, of Belvidere, S.D., donated the rollover calf. “We always felt that R-CALF has been there to benefit cattlemen and has been a strong voice for the grassroots producer,” said Fox. “R-CALF helped create a better market for our livestock.” “We hosted the event to inform cattle producers of the truth and the misinformation that is being presented in the cattle industry,” said Dave Wright, ICON Board Member and meeting organizer. Contributors included: Jeffrey and Joleen Arensdorf; Kem and Alice Sibbitt; Mark Wilson and Michael Wilson; Marv and Theo Walz; Allen and Joy Swanson; Powers Ranch/Dan and Patty Powers; Cross Ranch/Rory and Demi Cross; Rick Vanderway; Ag West Feeds/Vince Hulinsky; Rothleutner Family; Pass Ranch; Mathis Equipment; Larry O’Kief; Joe Mundorf; Louis Day; James Hanna; Arden Smith; Sonny Hanna; Chris Harvey; Mike Arnold; Bill Ganser; Randy Peterson; Jerry Sharp; Ann Harvey; Joe and Mavis Fleming; Bank of the West; and Kelcomm DBA/DMK Supply/Ray Keller.
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