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10/27/2005 Lawrenceville, Georgia Student Suspended for Wearing
Pro-Life Sweatshirt to School as Part of Students Day of Silent Solidarity
ATLANTA, Oct. 26 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Stand True
Ministries (www.standtrue.com) recently sponsored the Students Day of Silent
Solidarity, a day in which students from over 1,200 campuses across the
nation remained silent for a day, in protest of abortion. Many students were
harassed, but none as badly as Brian Ramirez of Lawrenceville, Georgia.
Brian Ramirez believes strongly in the right to life for every innocent human person from the moment of fertilization to natural death. In a society that is so saturated with death, Brian takes a stand for life, and now he is being punished for it. Brian chose to wear his pro-life sweat shirt to school as part of the Students Day of Silent Solidarity and was told by the principle that if he did not remove it he would be suspended. Brian stood firm in his convictions and refused to remove his sweat shirt. He was then suspended, and he has been told that he will be suspended every day that he wears a pro-life sweat shirt. "Students across the nation were harassed by fellow students and school administrators for taking this stand," said Bryan Kemper, President of Stand True Ministries. "Students like Brian Ramirez who are willing to take a courageous stand for what they believe in should be applauded, not punished." Brian, who is backed by his parents, will wear his pro-life sweat shirt to school at Maxwell High School of Technology tomorrow. They will not break his spirit and will not take away his right to stand for what he believes in.
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