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10/28/2005 October 23-25 Meeting Picks Warsaw as Site of World Congress of Families IV ROCKFORD, Illinois, Oct. 27 /Christian Wire Service --
Meeting in Rockford, Illinois (October 23-25), a planning committee of the
World Congress of Families chose Warsaw, Poland as the site of the 4th World
Congress. The Warsaw Congress The Polish Federation of Pro-Life Movements, an organization with over 130 affiliates throughout the nation, will serve as the local host for WCF IV. According to World Congress of Families President Dr. Allan Carlson, Warsaw was chosen for its central location and crucial importance for the fate of the family in Europe. "Western Europe is plagued by de-population," Carlson commented. "Western European governments (including the European Union) have adopted policies inimical to the natural family. We look to the new EU members in Eastern Europe – first and foremost Poland – to help turn the tide of family decline." Carlson further noted that Christianity remains a vibrant force in Polish national life, and this has provided a strong defense against anti-family forces. Poland's location will allow WCF IV to draw large delegations from Eastern Europe as well as the nations of the former Soviet Union. "We also expect a strong attendance from pro-family groups in Western Europe, especially Germany and France," Carlson declared. "We fully expect this to be the most exciting, dynamic and productive World Congress of Families to date." Members of the planning committee meeting on October 23-25 included representatives of pro-family organizations in Mexico, South America, Germany, Switzerland, Poland and the United States. To date, three World Congresses of Families have been held: in Prague (1997), Geneva (1999) and Mexico City (2004). At the latter, more than 3,300 delegates from over 60 nations filled Mexico City's Banamex Center. For more information, visit the World Congress of families website – www.worldcongress.org. The Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society is an independent, non-profit research and education center that strives to be the leading source of fresh ideas and new strategies for affirmation and defense of the natural family, both nationally and globally. The Howard Center is also the founder and organizer of the World Congress of Families project which unites people of goodwill who recognize that the family is the fundamental unit of society and coordinates the efforts of pro-family groups from more the 60 countries worldwide.
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