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NPLAC Applauds Miers' Decision to Withdraw Supreme Court Nomination Asks President to Replace With Edith Jones-Like Nominee WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The
National Pro-Life Action Center (NPLAC)-- the uncompromising voice of
pro-life America on Capitol Hill--applauds Harriet Miers' decision to
withdrawal her nomination to the United States "We wish to thank Harriet Miers for taking the courageous step today of withdrawing her nomination to the Supreme Court," said Paul Chaim Schenck, director of NPLAC. "We truly believe that this decision is in the best interest of our country and will help to ensure the return of constitutionality to the future of Supreme Court jurisprudence. "It is important that the administration move past any lingering bitterness it may have over this nomination, and take to heart the American people's desire to have Supreme Court justices who will defend the Constitution and defend the life of every innocent human being on U.S. soil, from conception to natural death," Schenck stated. "The president now has the chance to correct the wayward path this nomination process has taken by nominating a strict constructionist, whose record clearly demonstrates a judicial philosophy that respects and defends the civil rights of all Americans--born and unborn," stated Stephen G. Peroutka, NPLAC chairman. "There is no shame in putting forth a nominee to the Supreme Court who is proudly pro-life, and the president must get beyond the fear that such a nominee cannot survive the process." "Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist was the author of one of the dissents in the Roe v. Wade decision. He never backed away from his belief that it was unconstitutional and, yet, he was confirmed and successfully guided the court for almost two decades," observed Peroutka. "I have no doubt that if the president put forth a nominee like this, or one with a strong record like that of Edith Jones, that they would receive the unwavering support of the pro-life, pro-family conservative movement and that they would successfully navigate the confirmation labyrinth."
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