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CWA Wishes Miss Miers All the Best
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /Christian
Wire Service/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) responded to the
withdrawal of Harriet Miers' nomination as Associate Justice to the Supreme
Court by wishing her all the best in her future endeavors and commending her
for her admirable accomplishments.
"Miss Miers has shown great respect and consideration by putting the needs of the American people and the judicial system above her own personal ambitions," commented Wendy Wright, CWA's Executive Vice President. "We look forward to future opportunities of working with Miss Miers and will stand united with her on common goals." "CWA eagerly awaits a new nomination of a qualified individual to fill the vacant seat of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. We are assured that the President will keep his promise to nominate a strict constitutionalist, who will uphold the principles that have made America great and not legislate from the bench," commented Wright. "It was hard to call for Miss Miers' withdrawal yesterday but we felt it was the best thing for the Court, the President and Miss Miers," said Jan LaRue, CWA's chief counsel. "We commend her decision. We stand ready to support a nominee who truly is in the mold of Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas." There are a number of highly qualified men and women who could serve on the highest court with both distinction and humility. President Bush now has a monumental opportunity to choose the best qualified individual, regardless of sex, race or ethnicity, to shape the Court for years to come. Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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