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Beijing Church Leader Trial Secretly Delayed Twice Forced Hard Labor in Detention Center Reported 北京法院秘密两次延期审理家庭教会领袖蔡卓华案; 看守所强迫犯罪嫌疑人无偿劳动 MIDLAND, Texas, Oct. 27 /Christian Wire Service/ -- China Aid Association learned that while waiting for a verdict in the trial of Pastor Cai Zhuohua, the leader of six Beijing-area house churches, that it was delayed twice by a Beijing court. (Pastor Cai was arrested on September 11, 2004 at a bus stop, where he was dragged into a van by state security officers.) On October 25, one of Cai's defense lawyers, Mr. Zhang
Xinshui, was asked to pick up two court notices issued on July 10 and
September 22 by the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing City. Both
notices stated the court's decision to postpone the trial twice upon request
of the People's Procurator of Haidian District in order to obtain more
evidence. Cai and his wife, Xiao Yunfei; her brother, Xiao Gaowen and his wife, Hu Jinyun were first tried July 7, 2005 for alleged "illegal business practices." This case caught international attention and represents the government's newest tactic to suppress religious freedom in the name of "economic crimes." All of the defendants in their first trial recanted confessions which were coerced through police abuse and torture. According to a suspect released from the same detention center Pastor Cai has been forced to work like a slave by peeling approximately 50 pounds of garlic per day. This is in addition to the 300 to 500 yuan per month (about $40-$60 US dollars) his family is required to deposit for Cai's living expenses at the detention center in Beijing. Legal scholars told CAA that it's very rare for the prosecutors to initiate a trial delay especially after both the arrest warrants and the indictments were issued and the first trial is finished. This shows that the government has come to the realization that it will be extremely difficult to make a case against Pastor Cai and his family members. "It was clear from the very beginning that the charges against Pastor Cai were false," said Bob Fu, President of CAA and a former coworker of Pastor Cai. "Instead of buying more time to avoid embarrassment before President Bush's visit next month, we urge the Chinese government to release the Cai family immediately." People of conscience around the world are urged to pray for and protest against the harsh labor treatment of Pastor Cai. Letters and phone calls of protest can be sent to Cai's detention center and the court: at the following address: Judge You Tao, Telephone number +86-10-62697101 People's Court of Haidian District, Ja No. 8, Nan Dajie, Zhongguancun, Beiijng, PRC 10080(海淀区人民法院 中关村南大街甲8号) Director of the Detention Center Mr. Bai Gang Tel: +86-10-62902266 ext. 3502 Beeper: +86-10-62628566 beeper ext. 5339 Qinghe Detention Center, No. 25, Longgang Road, Haidian District, Beijing City (zip code: 100085) 海淀区清河看守所 (北京市海淀区清河龙岗路25号; 邮编100085) 所长:白刚 010-62902266转3502; BP:62628566-5339
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