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10/31/2005 Bush Gets It Right, Nominates Alito WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 /Christian Wire Service/ -- President Bush has announced his nomination to the Supreme Court Justice and he has selected a winner. Samuel A. Alito is an outstanding nominee because of his personal integrity, education and because of his experience as a judge. Alito understands that a judge's role is to evaluate the law and not to "write" law from the bench. His record will speak for itself. Alito, who is 55, has argued 12 cases before the US
Supreme Court, has an extensive record as a judge and is highly Don Swarthout, President of Christians Reviving America's Values is pleased with the early reports about Samuel Alito's character, integrity, judicial philosophy and his judicial experience. Swarthout said, "We need someone on the US Supreme Court who stands for the true principles of America and applies them with common sense. In fact, I think most of America would agree that it is time for our nation to stop our tolerance for diversity programs that are detrimental to our nation. "Most Americans are tired of our lackadaisical attitude toward the principles upon which our nation was founded and they are tired of the Dr. Spock approach we seemingly use to make various decisions. We seem to have an illogical view of freedom today. Some people say that freedom means no rules, no responsibility. "Freedom really means living within a set of rules that most people agree upon. Freedom comes with responsibility. You have to accept the consequences of your actions. That is what true freedom is all about. "We need to decide whether to keep believing that criminals, terrorists, enemy combatants and illegal aliens have more rights than law abiding citizens who love and respect the American way of life. "This nominee will cause some tough moments during the confirmation process. Senator Chuck Schumer said this nominee will cause division rather than bring our nation together. The nation is already divided and it is time for the conservatives to win one for the Gipper. Thank you President Bush, for a great choice on this one."
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