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10/31/2005 NPLAC Welcomes Treat Instead of Trick, Applauds Alito Nomination to Supreme Court WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Paul Chaim Schenck, director of the National Pro-Life Action Center (NPLAC)-- the uncompromising voice of pro-life America on Capitol Hill--and Stephen G. Peroutka, NPLAC chairman, have issued the following joint statement in response to President Bush's nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court of the United States: "We applaud the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito to
the Supreme Court of the United States. Had the current "Judge Alito's professional qualifications for this position are clear, but his lone dissent in the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision leads us to believe that he also has a firm grasp of an American view of law and justice that is necessary to fulfill his duties. "We look forward to Judge Alito's confirmation hearing so that we might obtain a more complete understanding of his judicial temperament. We encourage him to reject the modern practice of concealing his judicial philosophy behind the 'Ginsberg Cloak of Silence.' To that end, NPLAC intends to submit the same 'Five Questions' in this nomination that it did during Judge Roberts' nomination. In the case of Harriet Miers, pro-lifers put principle over party and it is important that we maintain this practice from this point forward. "Understanding the inherently flawed nature of Supreme Court precedent regarding abortion is nothing a nominee should be ashamed of, and stating that understanding in their confirmation hearing should not be considered something that disqualifies them for the job. In fact, such a clear understanding of our Constitution and how it applies to High Court decisions demonstrates that a candidate is imminently qualified for the position. "Partisan members of the Senate must ignore the demands of the pro-abortion money machine, which dictates their policies, when considering this nomination and instead base their vote on Judge Alito's qualifications as a jurist. "Finally, we wish to implore the members of the 'mainstream media'--who were all too happy to utilize the statements of pro-life conservatives in their coverage of Harriet Miers--to maintain the same level of interest and respect for those opinions as we now navigate this confirmation process." Paul Chaim Schenck will be speaking at a press conference in front of the Supreme Court at 11:30 a.m. To view the five questions that NPLAC believes every judicial nominee should answer, visit www.NPLAC.org.
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