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10/31/2005 Christian Coalition of America Praises the Nomination
of Judge Alito to the Supreme Court
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Christian Coalition of America commends President George W. Bush for nominating Judge Samuel A. Alito to the United States Supreme Court, who is a strict constitutionalist in the mold of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. "President Bush has fulfilled his campaign promise by giving America another strict constructionist who will not legislate from the bench. Indeed, Judge Alito has more judicial experience than any other Supreme Court nominee during the past 70 years. Christian Coalition of America is confident that Judge Alito will follow the rule of law and base his decisions on written law and the U.S. Constitution. President Bush has hit a homerun with this nomination," says Roberta Combs, President of Christian Coalition. Judge Alito, at age 39, was approved overwhelmingly by a Democrat United States Senate to the liberal 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. He was the lone dissenter in the 1992 Casey case in which Judge Alito issued an opinion that approved a Pennsylvania state law that required women to tell their husbands before having an abortion. Judge Alito is also a very tough law and order judge, one who does not coddle criminals. The Christian Coalition of America is America's largest Christian grassroots organization with more than 2 million supporters. The organization's website may be referenced at: http://www.cc.org
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