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Concerned Women for America Appoints New York State Director WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned Women for
America (CWA) is thrilled to announce the selection of Anne F. Downey, Esq.,
as State Director for New York. Mrs. Downey, an attorney in the Buffalo
area, has been involved in the pro-life movement for nearly 30 years. She
has written articles for CWA on a variety of topics, including pro-life,
education and First Amendment rights. She has also worked for pro-family
legislation in New York state. "I believe the time is ripe for New York to make better choices in legislation, and for people of prayer to come together in intercession and work with one another so that our voices can be heard more effectively," said Mrs. Downey. Her goals include forming a coalition of groups to work for righteousness in laws and culture, and speaking out for life, family and liberty in the Empire State. Anne will work with CWA members in New York to strengthen and build Prayer/Action Chapters and coordinate CWA's grassroots activities in legislation and media. CWA's goals are to preserve the eternal values that support the Biblical design of the family, protect life at all stages, fight pornography and obscenity, tackle the declining quality of education, support the rights of individuals to pray and worship without persecution, and increase understanding of the United Nations and its agenda. Beverly LaHaye founded CWA in 1979. Since that time, CWA has become the nation's largest public policy women's organization with approximately 500,000 members. Its mission is to protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens – first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing our society – thereby reversing the decline in moral values in our nation.
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