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11/01/2005 CWA: The Unborn Do Feel Pain WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) commends Congress for recognizing scientific
evidence that confirms that unborn babies experience intense pain when
"Not only do unborn children feel pain, the evidence suggests they feel pain more acutely than at any other stage of life," said Wendy Wright, CWA's Executive Vice President. "The Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment for the guilty; we should not have a lesser standard for the innocent. "Each woman considering an abortion has the right to know the excruciating pain her innocent unborn baby will experience. In order to make an informed decision on whether to undergo an abortion, mothers should be aware that the 20-week-or-older baby they are carrying will feel agonizing pain. "We applaud Congress for seeking information on an issue that the timid or abortion enthusiasts would rather sweep under the rug," concluded Wright. "Ignoring evidence does not make it untrue, it only makes us accomplices." "Concerned Women for America has been lobbying members of the Senate since the origination of this bill," said Lanier Swann, Director of Government Relations. "This significant legislation is among our top priorities. We will continue to follow its progress accordingly." Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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