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11/03/2005 Thune Votes to Trim $35 Billion from National Deficit WASHINGTON, DC—Senator John Thune today voted in favor of the Deficit Reduction Act, which will reduce the national deficit by $35 billion. This bill, which passed 52-47, is the first deficit reduction bill since 1997. “I was proud today to vote in favor of a thoughtful
package that reduces our nation’s deficit through measures of “Some of my colleagues adhere to the ‘buy now, pay later’ policy. That may work for credit card advertisements, but it shouldn’t be the motto of our federal government,” Thune said. “Reckless government spending must be halted today, so our children and grandchildren won’t have to shoulder the bill years from now. “I firmly believe it is our duty in Congress to always examine ways to target waste, fraud and abuse, reign in spending and practice fiscal discipline while funding our nation’s priorities. Today’s vote is a victory for American taxpayers, fiscal conservatives and future generations.” This bill also puts us on the path toward reducing our dependence on foreign oil through limited and environmentally responsible drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. “At a time when Americans across the country are paying record prices at the pump and bracing for high heating costs this winter, the need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil is greater than ever,” Thune said. “Today, I voted in support of drilling in ANWR so we can become more energy-independent and lower fuel costs for all American consumers.”
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