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11/03/2005 9th Circuit Court Trashes Parental Rights SAN DIEGO, Nov. 3 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Biblical Family Advocates is outraged that the 9th Circuit Court has ruled against parents who have sued their local school district for giving explicit sex surveys to their elementary school children. "This brazen decision by the 9 Circuit Court forces
children to be force fed and questioned on highly personal, sexual
information. And what about the vast majority of children who cannot afford
to be sheltered from such immorality and The Court ruled that, "We agree, and hold that there is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children, either independent of their right to direct the upbringing and education of their children or encompassed by it. We also hold that parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students." --Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Nov. 3, 2005 Magnan continued, "I can only hope that many parents will begin to seriously consider taking their children out of the public school system or running for school boards and voting for School vouchers, that determine where their school dollars should go. Certainly this decision should make parents want to vote for initiatives like Proposition 73 that allows a parent to be notified when their child is seeking an abortion. It is time for parents to wake up and let the public school system know that they have the God given parental right to protect one's own child. We should convey our revulsion over the continuing intrusion by the State to indoctrinate and pervert an already troubled school system, as children should first honor their Father and Mother, not the State." Biblical Family Advocates is a pro family organization protecting and promoting the moral interests of millions of families and churches throughout the U.S. and around the world
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