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11/03/2005 CWA: Bill on Morning-After Pill is Politics at its Worst Politicians do bidding of drug company and abortion lobby, putting hype and politics above women's health. WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned
Women for America (CWA) denounced efforts by politicians to "The morning-after pill has become the talking point of choice for abortion enthusiasts seeking to drive attention away from their values-lacking agenda," said Wendy Wright, CWA's executive vice president. "They claim that making the drug easily available will reduce pregnancies and abortions, when in fact zero evidence backs that up. They are now stooping so low as to demand an act of Congress to increase the sales of a drug that could be harmful to women. The morning-after pill is a high dose of the birth control pill. It requires a prescription because of its known medical risks and the need for a doctor to counsel the patient and provide medical oversight." The FDA declined over-the-counter status for Plan B because the drug's owner, Barr Labs, failed to produce clinical evidence that adolescents can safely use it. Barr then requested that the drug be available by prescription and non-prescription, based on the age of the person buying it. The FDA asked for public comment on whether it has the authority or the ability to enforce this scheme. CWA, along with American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Christian Medical Association and Family Research Council, filed extensive comments this week covering regulatory, legal, medical and societal aspects, proving that the FDA does not have the authority or the ability, and that this scheme would put women and girls at risk. Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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