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11/03/2005 Interruption at Abstinence Conference, says Abstinence Clearinghouse BALTIMORE, Nov. 3 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The Office
of Population Affairs with the Administration for Children and As the morning keynote speaker, deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, Claude Allen, was announced, a small group of protestors rushed the stage. They chanted, calling for "safe sex." While security was called in, abstinence educators in the crowd supported Allen with a positive chant of "Abstinence works every time!" When abstinence educators began to chant "When Condoms Fail, People Die," proponents of sex education were silenced momentarily -- knowing there is no response to that hard truth. After the police escorted the protestors from the room, Allen suggested that if the protestors would have stayed, they might have actually learned something. He then went on to deliver a stellar talk on the scientific evidence that abstinence education is working. Later that day, Assistant Secretary Wade Horn expounded on the available information. No condom-based sex education program has ever been shown to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
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