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With the Stroke
of His Pen This Afternoon, Governor Doyle Will Leave the Door Open to
Unlimited Human Cloning in Wisconsin To: National Desk Contact: Susan Armacost, Legislative Director or Barbara L. Lyons, Executive Director, both of Wisconsin Right to Life, 414-778-5780, 877-855-5007 MADISON, Wisconsin, Nov. 3 /Christian Wire Service/ --
Governor James Doyle has announced he will take action on AB "Governor Doyle will veto AB 499 this afternoon. With this action, Wisconsin will beckon to scientists that the welcome mat is rolled out for the pursuit of human cloning for any purpose in Wisconsin," stated Susan Armacost, Legislative Director for Wisconsin Right to Life. "With no prohibition in place, scientists are free to pursue cloning of living human embryos which can be destroyed at the embryonic stage or developed in an artificial womb or uterus to a stage equivalent to the time of birth. The potential for fetal farming – mining human beings for organs and body parts – is alive and well in Wisconsin, thanks to Gov. Doyle’s impending veto of AB 499, a Ban on All Human Cloning." Wisconsin Right to Life strongly opposes the deliberate creation and destruction of a human life for scientific experimentation and is the lead organization promoting a ban on all human cloning in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Right to Life website has the most comprehensive information regarding human cloning anywhere in the state. Go to www.wrtl.org
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