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11/05/2005 Celebs Speak on Prop 73 - YES on 73! LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Top celebrities released strong endorsements for the YES on 73 campaign today during the final push for Prop 73, the Parents' Right to Know initiative on California's special election ballot next Tuesday, November 8th. If passed, Proposition 73 will prevent an abortion from being performed on a minor girl until 48 hours after her parent or guardian is notified. Patricia Heaton says, "As a parent, I can't think of
anything more important than the welfare of our children. Proposition New audio statements endorsing Prop 73 from Dr. Laura, Ben Stein and talk radio host Laura Ingraham are now online at the Official Yes on 73 site at www.Yeson73.net Actor Patrick Warburton, concerned for the safety of his children, especially his young daughter, warns parents in a video statement that, "California law currently allows someone other than a parent to take a child, a girl as young as 12 years of age, to go and get an abortion without the parents knowing anything about this. This means that your neighbor, a teacher, an older boyfriend, a sexual predator -- can legally take your 12-year-old daughter to go and get an abortion, a secret, confidential abortion." Like many parents, Warburton believes this is wrong. He wants to change the law to protect young girls and restore parents' rights. Warburton adds, "I can tell you as a father, who loves his daughter more than anything in the world, I will vote YES on 73 come Tuesday, November 8th. I hope that you do too." A 60-second video statement from Patrick Warburton is also available at www.Yeson73.net
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