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11/07/2005 Walk To Reclaim America Receives Endorsements WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 /Christian Wire Service/ -- The Walk
To Reclaim America project has received two important endorsements as the
countdown to the January 1st start date continues. The endorsements come
from Faith and Action, a Washington DC based ministry, and the National
Clergy Council, a national network of clergymen, also based in "These are desperate days in American culture and they demand drastic action," said Rev. Rob Schenck, president of the National Clergy Council. "The McKinneys are taking that kind of action. We are praying and working for their complete success." Rick and Jane McKinney will leave Los Angeles, California on January 1st and walk over 2800 miles to Washington DC, arriving on July 4th. The couple will walk 18 – 20 miles per day, six days per week, hoping to draw attention to what they believe to be the most important task before America today…reclaiming the freedoms, families, and faith of the Founding Fathers. "These are desperate times," agreed Rick McKinney, founder of Walk To Reclaim America. "We live in a nation that has forgotten its heritage, its Christian heritage, and we are committed to taking some drastic steps, literally, in order to call Americans back to a deep and abiding faith in God." Additional information about the Walk To Reclaim America can be found on their website, www.walktoreclaimamerica.com or you can contact them at (866) 462-7464.
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