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11/08/2005 Jailed Church Leader Sentenced to Three Years for
Printing Christian Literatures MIDLAND, Texas, Nov. 8 /Christian Wire Service/ -- China Aid Association learned that jailed Beijing house church leader is sentenced to 3 years on Tuesday, November 8, 2005.(Beijing Time) The presiding judge, You Tao, announced the verdict to two defense lawyers Mr. Zhang Xingshui and Mr. Jin Xiaoguang at 9am. Pastor Cai's wife Ms. Xiao Yunfei and her brother Mr. Xiao Gaowen were sentenced to two years and one and a half years respectively. Mr. Xiao Gaowen's wife Ms. Hu Jinyun was Exempts the criminal punishment(免予刑事处分). She was expected to be released after her lawyer finishes relevant legal papers. Mr. Cai's mother along with Ms. Xiao Yunfei's parents were present in the court room when the verdict was announced. According to pastor Cai's legal team, pastor Cai has decided to appeal to Beijing Intermediate Court for further trial. "This is not an acceptable result," said Bob Fu, President of CAA and a former coworker of Pastor Cai. "We urge President Bush to use his upcoming visit to China to address this serious religious persecution case." Journalists are welcome to interview the following legal representatives for this case: Mr. Gao Zhisheng (高智晟) +86-10-81990759 Email: gaozhisheng@263.net Mr. Guo Feixiong (郭飞雄) Cellphone: +86-13552499429 Tel: 10-64118439 Email: gcgfx666@yahoo.com.cn Mr. Chen Yongmiao (陈永苗) Email: yongmiaochen@vip.sohu.net Mr. Wang Yi (王怡) Email: tongchuan73@yahoo.com.cn Mr. Teng Biao (滕彪 ) tbiao@sina.com Mr. Fan Yafeng (范亚峰) mountainsf@sina.com Mr. Zhang Xingshui (张星水) Mr. Xu Zhiyong ( 许志永) Mr. Jin Xiaoguang ( 金晓光) Issued by China Aid Association, Inc. November 8, 2005 Note: If the following Chinese language version is not legible--it is available online at: www.earnedmedia.org/caa1108.htm 对华援助协会新闻稿 Contact: Bob Fu, China Aid Association, 267-205-5210, 432-689-6985, bobfu@ChinaAid.org 图片:蔡卓华狱中写作的诗 北京法院判家庭教会领袖蔡卓华三年徒刑 德州美德兰(对华援助协会11月8日) 对华援助协会获悉, 北京时间11月8日上午九点海淀区法院游涛法官宣判蔡卓华案。蔡卓华被判有期徒刑三年。蔡牧师的太太肖云飞和她的哥哥肖高文被分别判处有期徒刑两年和一年半。肖高文的太太胡锦云被宣布免予刑事处分。 蔡卓华的妈妈以及肖云飞的父母在场聆听了宣判。 熟悉,蔡卓华已经授权律师团向北京市中级人民法院提起上诉。对华援助协会已授权本会的荣誉董事德克萨斯州美德兰市牧师联会主席蒂波拉.菲克斯女士在11月8日美东时间下午在白宫椭圆形办公室与美国总统布什会见时提出此案。 蔡卓华牧师曾于2005年7月7日在北京市海淀区人民法院第三庭受审。2004年9月11日在海淀区一公汽车站等车回家的蔡牧师被3名安全部便衣绑架到一辆白色面包车上带走.蔡牧师的太太肖云飞和她的哥哥肖高文,嫂嫂胡锦云于9月27日在湖南衡山县被捕. 尽管因蔡牧师夫妇在家庭教会的大量的工作,公安部开始将此案定性为"建国以来最大的一起境外宗教渗透案"(10月28日的湖南<衡阳晚报>以标题 为"一特大境外宗教渗透案告破"作了报道).但因国际社会的广泛关注和中国自由主义知识分子的参与.呼吁,为蔡牧师勇敢义务辩护的9位律师和法学工作者均认为当局是为了避开宗教迫害之嫌而以"非法经营罪"名起诉蔡牧师的。 "此案的判决结果是不能接受的," 曾与蔡在北京同工过的对华援助协会主席傅希秋说. " 我们敦促中国政府立即无条件的是放蔡卓华案当事人。" 对华援助协会特别吁请,希望各界 正义人士采取具体行动以电话,和信件向中国有关当局表达关注. 附: 蔡卓华案辩护人 蔡卓华案辩护人郭飞雄 高智晟 01081990759(小灵通)gaozhisheng@263.net 郭飞雄联系方式 13552499429 010_64118439 gcgfx666@yahoo.com.cn 陈永苗 yongmiaochen@vip.sohu.net 王怡 tongchuan73@yahoo.com.cn 滕彪 tbiao@sina.com 范亚峰 mountainsf@sina.com 张星水, 许志永, 金晓光 蔡卓华案相关资料库 http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/intl/2005/07/200507060047.shtml 余杰、北村--没有传播《圣经》的权利,便没有宗教信仰的自由 http://www.ccblog.net/blog.asp?name=fanyafeng 保障宗教自由 维护基本人权——就蔡卓华案致宗教管理部门的公开信 http://bbs.yannan.cn/viewthread. ... fpage=1&filter= 陈永苗评蔡卓华案 http://www.ccforum.org.cn/viewth ... &extra=page%3D1 http://www.yannan.cn/homepage/guofeixiong.htm 蔡卓华所关押的地点: 海淀区清河看守所 所长:白刚 010-62902266转3502; BP:62628566-5339 北京市海淀区清河龙岗路25号东区11-9室; 邮编100085
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