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11/09/2005 CWA: Texas Voters Protect Marriage and Reject Lies WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) is proud of the people of Texas for voting to protect and preserve the institution of marriage, despite deception and misrepresentation by the opposition. In a landslide vote of 76% (based on 78.88% precincts reported) Texas sent a strong message that they will stand for traditional marriage. "Most Texans are down-to-earth folks, which is why the
attempt to fool them into thinking a marriage protection amendment was
actually a threat to marriage didn't wash," said Robert Knight, Director of "It is despicable that a campaign that supports gay marriage would misrepresent itself as though they were concerned that the amendment would not protect marriage," said Michael Bowman, CWA's Director of State Legislative Relations. "Using a tape-recorded message from someone claiming to be a pastor stating he wanted to protect traditional marriage was not only deceptive, it was a lie. Nowhere has the opposition said that it opposes 'gay marriage.'" "Texans have acted to protect the sanctity of marriage in Texas," commented Pat Hanson, Area Director for CWA of Texas-South. "Marriage is the first and basic institution of society. We are pleased that the people of Texas have joined the other 18 states in voting to preserve this unique institution." "Texas' amendment short circuits liberal groups from hi-jacking traditional marriage and morphing it into a hodgepodge of relationships used only for the benefit of their agenda," said Ann Hettinger, Area Director for CWA of Texas-North. Texas is the 19th state to pass a constitutional amendment to protect marriage and the 12th to ban the recognition of civil unions and other marriage counterfeits. In 2006, we expect several more states to pass constitutional amendments to protect marriage. Among those states slated to vote next year are Alabama, South Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee. CWA is grateful to voters in Texas for taking a stand for marriage, and for all the hard work CWA of Texas has put into this important legislation. Concerned Women for America (CWA) is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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